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发布时间:2019-02-10 18:57
[Abstract]:Prison supervision directly affects the stability of the prison. The implementation of "Criminal Law Amendment (8)" and "Criminal Law Amendment (9)" embodies the spirit of criminal policy, that is, combining leniency with severity. The introduction of the new policy has made strict adjustments to the structure of the penalty, which is manifested in the restriction of the commutation of the sentence of death penalty for the criminals who have been suspended from execution of the death penalty, the extension of the minimum practical term of imprisonment of the criminals sentenced to life imprisonment, and the suspension of the death penalty for those who have been sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment for a number of crimes. The conditions of parole are amended, new charges are added, and life imprisonment provisions are added. The implementation of these new policies directly or indirectly leads to the increase of the actual prison term of criminals and the increase of the elderly, the sick and the disabled. The extension of the term of imprisonment has brought a lot of influence to criminals in terms of ideological education and reform of labor production. Some of the prisoners will undergo prison supervision and reform for a longer period of time. These criminals have serious criminal circumstances or are more harmful to society. The increase in the actual prison term will cause greater pressure on their psychology, the function of re-education through labour will also be weakened, the labor model of the prisoners will also need to be adjusted, and the number of the elderly, the sick and the disabled in prison will increase substantially. These all bring great challenge to prison supervision and reform work. In order to cope with the impact of the extension of the actual prison term on the prison work, it is necessary, first of all, to guide, educate, strengthen the mental health work of the prisoners, and channel and intervene in the prisoners with psychological fluctuations. Promote the construction of prison culture, explore reasonable educational methods and educational reform models, such as "51" educational reform model, teaching in the fun, so that criminals have hope; Secondly, it is necessary to improve the prison supervision facilities, increase the input of people, money and materials, set up a high-readiness prison area, manage the criminals in a classified manner, and at the same time improve the management ability of the prison police and strengthen the responsibility consciousness of the police officers. Strengthening the specialized construction of the police force; Thirdly, the work of propagating the law, the rule of law and the execution of punishment should be carried out to correctly guide the criminals to understand the significance of the adjustment of the commutation policy and the understanding of the new reform mode. Finally, strictly enforce the punishment of violating the law and resisting the reform, and preach the consequence and influence of the punishment.


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