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发布时间:2019-02-26 10:58
【摘要】:诉讼救济具有滞后性的特点,而保全制度具有保证生效判决执行或者减少当事人其他损害的功能,因此保全在现实中得到越来越多的适用,但是,随之而来的是保全申请错误赔偿案件的增多。我国法律中对保全申请错误赔偿问题的规定并不清晰,对赔偿责任归责原则适用、赔偿范围等都没有明确规定,司法实践中存在判决不一的现象。因此对于该类问题有深入研究的必要。除引言和结语外,全文共分五个部分,主要内容如下: 在第一部分,笔者选取了两则典型案例,对争议焦点进行了归纳,并就学者对此争议的不同观点进行分析,提出了解决争议的方法——以保全制度中的利益平衡及我国侵权责任法归责原则适用标准为路径。 在第二部分,笔者对保全制度的含义、特征等方面做了阐述,主要目的是为了探究保全制度中对保全双方的利益衡量。 在第三部分,基于第二部分的分析,结合我国侵权责任法上不同归责原则适用时对当事人双方权益保护的价值取向,对保全申请错误赔偿责任归责原则作出应适用无过错归责原则的判断,并对构成要件进行探讨。 在第四部分,笔者从管辖、诉讼当事人、证明责任分配、赔偿范围及承担、诉讼时效等方面对保全申请错误损失赔偿案件的审理程序作了分析。 在第五部分,笔者从预防保全申请错误损失赔偿案件的发生,更好的保护被申请入利益的角度,对完善保全申请制度给出自己的建议。
[Abstract]:The litigation relief has the characteristic of lag, and the preservation system has the function of guaranteeing the effective execution of the judgment or reducing the other damages of the parties. Therefore, preservation has been more and more applied in reality, but, What follows is the increase in the number of erroneous compensation cases for preservation applications. There is no clear stipulation in the law of our country on the wrong compensation for preservation application, the application of liability imputation principle, the scope of compensation, etc., and there are different judgments in judicial practice. Therefore, it is necessary to study this kind of problems in depth. Besides the introduction and conclusion, the full text is divided into five parts. The main contents are as follows: in the first part, the author selects two typical cases, summarizes the focus of the dispute, and analyzes the different viewpoints of the scholars on the dispute. This paper puts forward a method to solve the dispute-taking the balance of interests in the preservation system and the principle of liability imputation in tort law as the path. In the second part, the author expounds the meaning and characteristics of the preservation system, the main purpose is to explore the preservation of the interests of both parties in the preservation system to measure the interests. In the third part, based on the analysis of the second part, combined with the value orientation of the protection of the rights and interests of both parties in the application of different imputation principles in the tort liability law of our country, The principle of no-fault imputation should be applied to the principle of liability imputation for the wrong compensation of preservation application, and the constituent elements are discussed. In the fourth part, from jurisdiction, litigant, distribution of burden of proof, scope and commitment of compensation, limitation of action and other aspects, the author analyzes the procedure of the case of protection application for incorrect loss compensation. In the fifth part, the author puts forward his own suggestion to perfect the system of preservation application from the point of view of preventing the occurrence of the wrong loss compensation case of preservation application and better protecting the interests of the applicant.


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