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发布时间:2019-03-01 12:49
【摘要】:刑事诉讼是对刑事被告人自由权、生命权或财产权进行刑事追究的过程,保障刑事被告人参与诉讼的各项权利成为公正审判之必备条件。 联合国《公民权利与政治权利国际公约》等国际条约中,,公正审判被视为基本人权,其中便包括刑事被告人有免费获得翻译帮助的权利。在世界各个国家的法律体系中,均明确规定刑事被告人或其他参与诉讼的人员享有使用本民族语言进行诉讼的权利,以及存在语言不通的情形下,有权获得免费提供翻译帮助的权利。 自改革开放以来,特别是随着我国城市化进程的不断推进,各地域、阶层人员流动不断加强,近年各级各类司法机关受理涉外、少数民族、聋哑人的刑事案件呈大幅上升的趋势。我国《宪法》、《刑事诉讼法》等基本法律明确规定,刑事被告人享有使用本民族语言进行诉讼的权利,同时对外国人、少数民族人员、聋哑人在听不懂或不能表达汉语的情形下,应当为其提供翻译帮助进行了规定,但对提供翻译帮助的程序、翻译人员的资格、翻译质量的监督、翻译人员的诉讼权利义务、翻译异议的权利救济等方面却未能进行规定。理论研究方面,国内学者侧重于介绍、翻译联合国或其他国家的刑事诉讼法典,或单纯总结刑事诉讼翻译制度在实际运行过程中存在的问题,对于刑事被告人获得翻译帮助权利的理论基础有所阐述,但未能结合翻译人员的诉讼地位和翻译笔录的证据能力进行综合分析。困于立法的粗疏和理论研究的单薄,侦查或司法机关单纯从实践理性与便利层面开展摸索,致使为刑事被告人提供翻译帮助表现出较大的任意性,以及存在诸多程序瑕疵,并影响到刑事案件的实体结果。 本文在诉讼法学研究上的意义在于探讨了刑事诉讼被告人获得翻译帮助的理论基础,并结合翻译人员的诉讼地位,比较、借鉴联合国和其他国家刑事诉讼法典中的翻译制度。对司法实务的意义,在于总结和归纳了刑事诉讼翻译制度在实务当中存在的问题,反思问题的原因,进而希望从立法角度完善我国刑事诉讼翻译制度。
[Abstract]:Criminal procedure is the process of criminal investigation of the criminal defendant's right to freedom, right to life or property. It is necessary to guarantee the rights of the criminal defendant to participate in the proceedings. In international treaties such as the UN International Covenant on Civil and political Rights (ICCPR), fair trial is regarded as a fundamental human right, including the right of criminal defendants to receive free translation assistance. In the legal systems of all countries of the world, the criminal accused or other persons involved in the proceedings are clearly provided for the right to pursue proceedings in their own national languages, and in cases where there is a lack of language, The right to free translation assistance. Since the reform and opening up, especially with the continuous progress of urbanization in China, the mobility of people from all regions and strata has been continuously strengthened. In recent years, various judicial organs at all levels have accepted foreign affairs and ethnic minorities at all levels. The number of deaf-mute criminal cases is on the rise. The Constitution of our country, the Criminal procedure Law and other basic laws clearly stipulate that criminal defendants shall have the right to conduct proceedings in their own national languages, while at the same time against foreigners and persons belonging to ethnic minorities, Deaf-mute persons who cannot understand or express Chinese shall be provided with translation assistance, but the procedures for providing translation assistance, the qualifications of translators, the supervision of translation quality, the rights and obligations of translators, and the rights and obligations of the translators, shall be provided for. However, the right relief of translation objection has not been regulated. In theoretical research, domestic scholars focus on introducing, translating the codes of criminal procedure of the United Nations or other countries, or simply summarizing the problems existing in the practical operation of the translation system of criminal proceedings. This paper expounds the theoretical basis of the criminal accused's right to receive translation assistance, but fails to make a comprehensive analysis of the legal status of the translator and the evidence ability of the translation transcript. Trapped in the carelessness of legislation and the thinness of theoretical research, the investigation or judicial organs simply explore from the aspects of practical rationality and convenience, resulting in a greater arbitrariness in providing translation assistance to criminal defendants, as well as many procedural flaws. And affect the substantive outcome of criminal cases. The significance of this paper in the study of procedural law is to explore the theoretical basis for the accused in criminal proceedings to obtain translation assistance, and to compare and draw lessons from the translation system in the criminal procedure code of the United Nations and other countries in the light of the procedural status of translators. The significance of judicial practice is to summarize and summarize the problems existing in the translation system of criminal procedure in practice, and to reflect on the reasons for the problems, and then hope to perfect the translation system of criminal procedure in China from the angle of legislation.


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