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发布时间:2019-03-01 20:37
【摘要】:我国目前社会发展的重要目标和任务就是和谐社会的构建,为了能够早日实现这一目标,,我国逐渐形成了多元化的纠纷解决机制。多元化纠纷解决机制的形成为和谐社会的构建奠定了坚实的基础。目前,随着人们维权意识的强化,纠纷、矛盾日益激化,案件的数量呈幂函数式激增,再加上司法资源的有限性,司法机关的审判压力不言而喻。正是基于这样的现状,我国出现了“诉讼爆炸”的局面。为了缓解法院的审判压力,确保纠纷的高效解决,我国最高人民法院在2009年发布了《最高人民法院关于建立健全诉讼与非诉讼相衔接的矛盾纠纷解决机制的若干意见》,以此发挥非诉讼解决机制在纠纷解决中的作用。2010年,在河南郑州举办了“推进诉讼与仲裁工作相衔接高端论坛”,拉开了完善诉讼与仲裁相衔接的序幕。在我国民商事纠纷解决的实践中,占重要地位的纠纷解决途径是仲裁和诉讼,二者是相互联系的,并不是处于完全对立的局面。与诉讼的国家性和司法性相比较,仲裁更加倾向于民间性和自治性,因而它们在纠纷解决的过程中发挥的作用是不同的。仲裁的性质决定了仲裁是一种民间的自治行为,为了保证仲裁可以有效解决纠纷,司法机关的支持与监督是必不可少的。 本文主要通过研究我国新《民事诉讼法》和《仲裁法》及相关司法解释的规定,找出现行法律中有关仲裁和民事诉讼衔接中存在的问题,提出构建我国仲裁与民事诉讼衔接机制的建议。本文首先分析了仲裁与民事诉讼相关的概念及原理。其次,结合我国法律的有关规定,剖析现行法律下我国仲裁与民事诉讼衔接中的现状,分析二者在衔接中存在的问题。最后,通过借鉴世界上其他国家有关仲裁与诉讼相衔接的仲裁立法,结合完善二者关系的基本原则和价值标准,明确提出对存在问题的完善对策。
[Abstract]:The construction of harmonious society is an important goal and task of social development in our country at present. In order to realize this goal as soon as possible, our country has gradually formed a diversified dispute settlement mechanism. The formation of pluralistic dispute resolution mechanism has laid a solid foundation for the construction of a harmonious society. At present, with the strengthening of people's consciousness of safeguarding rights, disputes and contradictions intensifying day by day, the number of cases is increasing exponentially, plus the limitation of judicial resources, the judicial pressure of judicial organs is self-evident. Based on this situation, the situation of "lawsuit explosion" has appeared in our country. In order to alleviate the judicial pressure of the courts and ensure the efficient settlement of disputes, in 2009, the Supreme people's Court of China issued several opinions of the Supreme people's Court on establishing and perfecting a mechanism for resolving contradictions and disputes connected with litigation and non-litigation. In 2010, a high-end forum to promote the convergence of litigation and arbitration was held in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, which opened the prelude to perfecting the connection between litigation and arbitration. In the practice of civil and commercial dispute settlement, arbitration and litigation play an important role in the settlement of disputes, both of which are related to each other and are not in a completely opposite situation. Compared with the national and judicial nature of litigation, arbitration tends to be more folk and autonomous, so they play a different role in the process of dispute settlement. The nature of arbitration determines that arbitration is a kind of civil autonomy. In order to ensure that arbitration can solve disputes effectively, the support and supervision of judicial organs is essential. This paper mainly studies the provisions of the new Civil procedure Law and Arbitration Law and related judicial interpretation in China, and finds out the problems existing in the connection between arbitration and civil litigation in the current law. Put forward the suggestion of constructing the cohesive mechanism of arbitration and civil action in our country. This paper first analyzes the concept and principle of arbitration and civil action. Secondly, combining with the relevant provisions of our country's law, this paper analyzes the current situation of the connection between arbitration and civil litigation under the current law, and analyzes the problems existing in the connection between the two. Finally, by drawing lessons from the arbitration legislation of other countries in the world, combining with the basic principles and value standards of the relationship between arbitration and litigation, this paper puts forward the perfect countermeasures to the existing problems.


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