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发布时间:2019-03-03 10:25
[Abstract]:Strictly carrying out the rule of excluding illegal evidence is an important judicial reform plan made by the CPC Central Committee under the background of ruling the country in an all-round way and deepening the reform in an all-round way. It is also a supporting reform measure to promote the reform of the criminal procedure system centered on trial. The strict exclusion of illegal evidence in handling criminal cases is an important measure to safeguard the constitutional and legal dignity, to safeguard the legitimate rights of citizens, to improve the credibility of the judiciary, and to make the people feel fair and just in every judicial case. Its fundamental purpose is to limit the arbitrary exercise of the power of investigation, prohibit those barbaric, cruel, inhumane ways and means of illegal evidence collection, and fundamentally curb the inducement of the production of illegal evidence. In order to accurately punish crimes, effectively protect human rights, further standardize judicial conduct, promote judicial justice, especially procedural justice, effectively curb illegal evidence-taking acts such as extorting confessions by torture, and prevent the occurrence of unjust and false cases from the source, the Supreme people's Court, The Supreme people's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Security and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued the regulations on strict exclusion of illegal evidence in handling Criminal cases, which refined the criteria for determining the methods of illegal evidence collection. The rules and exceptions of repeated confessions after extortion of confessions by torture are clearly defined, the audio and video recordings of interrogations, the transcripts of interrogations, the places of interrogation, and so on are regulated, and the system of interrogation registration and medical examination in custody has been further implemented. We have established a system for verifying the legality of interrogation before the end of the investigation of major cases, and strengthened the investigation and verification of the legality of evidence collection by the people's Procuratorate during the period of investigation, examination, arrest, and prosecution, It also improves the handling mechanism of the dispute over the legality of evidence collection in the pre-trial meeting, the examination and investigation procedure of the legality of the evidence collection in the trial stage and the investigation and processing procedure of the legality of the evidence collection in the second instance procedure.
【作者单位】: 最高人民检察院;


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