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发布时间:2019-03-04 18:00
【摘要】:第三人撤销之诉制度是在2012年8月新修订的《民事诉讼法》第56条中新增加的制度,之所以在本次的《民事诉讼法》修改中增加第三人撤销之诉制度,是在综合了法国和我国台湾地区对于第三人撤销之诉制度的规定以及针对我国目前的司法实践中出现的问题制定的,,第三人撤销之诉制度的规定对于第三人的事后救济起到了非常重要的作用。 本文从对第三人撤销之诉制度的由来入手,通过对法国《新民事诉讼法典》以及我国台湾地区《民事诉讼法》的制度规定,延伸出我国第三人撤销之诉制度的设立,并且通过对我国第三人撤销之诉制度的立法背景、立法目的、内容以及特征的阐述,对该制度进行了一个全面的揭示。其次,通过对我国第三人撤销之诉制度与第三人参加之诉、案外人执行异议及案外人申请再审进行了综合的比较,分析了每一个救济制度的优劣势,以及在新增了第三人撤销之诉制度的后,应如何平衡各个救济制度的适用,已达到既能满足对案外人权利的救济,同时能够遏制权利的滥用。最后,因第三人撤销之诉制度是在新修订的《民事诉讼法》中的规定,故对第三人撤销之诉的具体适用问题作出了详细的解释,包括适用第三人撤销之诉的主体、客体、期限、管辖法院、以及判决的效力等,借此对第三人撤销之诉制度在将来的法律适用中能够更好地被运用。最后,笔者对于第三人撤销之诉制度与其他对于案外人的救济制度
[Abstract]:The third-party annulment system is a new system added to the newly amended article 56 of the Civil procedure Law in August 2012, and the reason is that the third-party withdrawal system is added to this revision of the Civil procedure Law. It was formulated in the light of the provisions of France and Taiwan for the third-party withdrawal system and the problems that have arisen in the current judicial practice of our country. The provisions of the third party annulment system play a very important role in the post-event relief of the third party. This article starts with the origin of the third-party annulment litigation system, and extends the establishment of the third-party annulment lawsuit system through the system stipulation of the French New Civil procedure Code and the Civil procedure Law of Taiwan area of our country. By expounding the legislative background, legislative purpose, content and characteristics of the third party withdrawal system in China, this paper reveals the system in an all-round way. Secondly, the author makes a comprehensive comparison between the third-party annulment litigation system and the third-party lawsuit, the execution objection of the outsider and the retrial application of the outsider, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each relief system. And how to balance the application of each relief system after adding the third party to withdraw the lawsuit system, which can not only satisfy the relief to the outsider's right, but also restrain the abuse of the right at the same time. Finally, because the third-party annulment system is stipulated in the newly revised Code of Civil procedure, this paper gives a detailed explanation of the specific application of the third-party annulment, including the subject, the object and the time limit of the third-party annulment. The jurisdiction court, as well as the validity of the judgment, can be better applied to the third-party annulment system in the future application of the law. Finally, the author to the third party annulment lawsuit system and other relief system to the outsider.


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