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发布时间:2019-03-07 09:40
[Abstract]:After the reform of the criminal procedure law and the progress of the new round of judicial reform, the working pressure of the procuratorial organs is suddenly increased, and the procuratorial organs need to explore new working mechanisms to deal with the public prosecution task. Many local people's procuratorates have started to explore the working mechanism of the pre-action meeting. The pre-action meeting means that the procuratorial organ shall, during the period of the prosecution, apply for or actively convene the defender, the victim and its litigation agent and the investigators, etc., to understand the relevant issues, understand the situation and exchange views on the case, and to make an opinion on the understanding and treatment of the relevant issues. The legal basis of the pre-action meeting is the objective obligation of the prosecutor, the participation of the main body of the procedure, the theory of the balance of the control and the value of the value of the procedure. The pre-action meeting, as the "product" of the litigation reform of the prosecution procedure of the procuratorial organ, is conducive to the establishment of a good defense relationship, which is conducive to the strengthening of the supervision and restriction on the public power, and is beneficial to the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and the benefit of the litigation. In the course of practice, it is necessary to prevent the function of the pre-action meeting from being dissimilated; in the case of the lack of judicial resources, the application scope of the pre-action meeting must be reasonably limited; the contents of the pre-action meeting should be clarified, the specific programming should be improved, and the legal effect of the pre-action meeting must be given.


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