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发布时间:2019-03-07 10:32
[Abstract]:Truthful confession is the duty of a criminal suspect, the main content of confession, and one of the constituent elements of surrender. Although the legal and judicial interpretations provide for the criminal suspect to answer truthfully, confess and surrender, respectively, However, there are many inconsistencies in the understanding and grasp of truthful confession in judicial practice, which is not based on the main line of truthful confession in theory, and makes a comprehensive and systematic analysis of truthful confession. Therefore, it is necessary to study the truthful confession in depth. The article consists of four parts: the first part is an overview of truthful confessions. This part introduces the historical evolution, legal provisions and theoretical basis of truthful confession, and points out that truthful confession has a long historical origin from feudal society until now. Truthful confession has been the core content of surrender and confession since its emergence. The present law follows the provisions of truthful confession and designs three systems of truthfully answering obligation, confessing and surrendering on the basis of truthful confession. The legislation design with truthful confession has a great utilitarian value orientation, which is beneficial to saving judicial resources, reforming criminals and repairing social relations. However, there is a value paradox with the right of silence. The second part is the basic content of the truthful confession. This part makes a systematic analysis of the truthful confession from three aspects: the time, the range and the standard. First, in terms of the time of the truthful confession, the confession requires the suspect to confess the main criminal facts at the first interrogation, and the frank and truthful confession can put the time of the confession to the trial. Second, the scope of truthful confession, investigators' questions have a certain impact on the scope of confession, one crime and several crimes in the scope of confession is not always the same. Third, in terms of the standard of truthful confession, the criminal suspect can identify the "truthfulness" of the confession by making a statement according to his own knowledge and memory to the facts of the case, which is in accordance with the subjective and objective facts. The third part truthfully confesses to identify the difficult problems. First, if there are repeated confessions of criminal suspects, they shall be identified according to the time standard of truthful confessions. The confirmation of truthful confession should be based on the facts of the first instance, and the confirmation of the truthful confession of the first instance should not be changed according to the facts of the confession retracted by the accused in the second instance. Second, the continuous crime should confirm the true confession according to the degree of harm of the criminal fact and the unexplained crime fact, and the implicated crime, the absorbing crime should be judged according to the method of determining the true confession according to the dissimilar number crime. Third, even recidivism confesses other people's criminal acts other than self-offenses, drug criminals confess that drugs go up and down, and the confessions of co-offenders to accomplices are beyond the scope of confessions of their own crimes, which may constitute surrender or meritorious service. Fourth, the suspect denies subjective intention, justifies the subjective mentality, does not have the reality, cannot be regarded as the truthful confession. The fourth part is the perfection of legislation and judicial improvement of truthful confession. First, if a suspect, a defendant or a criminal in custody, who has been taken coercive measures, confesses "the same type of crime" which the judicial organ has not yet mastered, he shall be deemed to have surrendered himself as a residual crime. Second, the inclusion of "de jure, de facto, closely related crimes" in "the same crime" is an expanded interpretation against the accused and should be abandoned. Third, beyond the scope of truthful confession, surrender or meritorious service has a theoretical basis, in line with the legislative intent, should be recognized in accordance with the law. Fourthly, the quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis of truthful confessions are distinguished, and the model of mitigating punishment is set up from the angle of quantitative analysis, which is suitable to the time, range and standard of truthful confession.


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