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发布时间:2019-03-09 15:16
【摘要】:我国的行政法律制度无论在实践上,还是和其他部门法相比较,都存在着许多空白和亟需发展的地方,而行政公益诉讼便是其中有待完善的一个重要部分。行政公益诉讼的缺失并不仅仅影响着我国诉讼制度的完整性,更是体现了我国法律发展对现实需要回应的滞后性。审视现下法律制度所存在的漏洞,当务之急是求得解决、弥补问题之方法,而确认行政公益诉讼原告资格是建立行政公益诉讼的一项关键举措。 现如今,公共利益作为界定政府行为必要性的主要界限,已逐渐成为各国衡量现代法治进程的重要标尺,对公共利益基本要素的把握是探索行政公益诉讼道路的前提条件。权利和司法救济如影随行,当行政行为侵害到公共利益时,司法救济机制的缺失必然会导致大量公共利益无法得到有效的保护,此时,唯有诉诸行政公益诉讼才能将那些侵犯公共利益的行政行为进行合理的规制。然而,无原告即无诉讼,合法的诉讼在于原告拥有立法上的主体地位,确认原告的主体地位是开启我国行政公益诉讼制度大门的钥匙。 信托理论、人民主权理论、诉之利益理论是建立行政公益诉讼,扩宽行政公益诉讼原告资格范围的理论基础。司法实践中,一桩桩典型的案例向我们证明了,行政公益诉讼原告资格制度的构建不仅有助于加强对公民诉权的保护,还能填补我国诉讼制度上的立法空白,同时,也可以让各种利益冲突在和谐社会下得以平衡,实现公平正义的价值目标。他山之石,可以攻玉。通过考察域外代表性国家行政公益诉讼原告资格的相关理论,去其糟粕,取其精华,在结合国内社会环境与特质的基础上,对检察机关、社会团体以及公民个人能否担负起诉责任问题进行分析与探讨,,以期构建我国的行政公益诉讼原告资格制度。
[Abstract]:There are many gaps and urgently needed development in the administrative legal system of our country, both in practice and in comparison with other department laws, and the administrative public interest litigation is one of the important parts to be perfected. The lack of administrative public interest litigation not only affects the integrity of our litigation system, but also reflects the lag of the legal development of our country in responding to the reality. To examine the loopholes existing in the present legal system, the urgent task is to find a way to solve the problems and make up the problems, and the confirmation of plaintiff's qualification in administrative public interest litigation is a key measure to establish the administrative public interest litigation. Nowadays, as the main limit to define the necessity of government behavior, public interest has gradually become an important criterion to measure the process of modern rule of law, and the grasp of the basic elements of public interest is the prerequisite for exploring the way of administrative public interest litigation. Rights and judicial remedies go hand in hand, when administrative acts infringe on the public interest, the lack of judicial relief mechanism will inevitably lead to a large number of public interests cannot be effectively protected, at this time, Only by resorting to administrative public interest litigation can those administrative acts that infringe the public interest be reasonably regulated. However, without plaintiff, there is no lawsuit. The legal action lies in plaintiff having the main body status in legislation. Confirming plaintiff's main position is the key to open the door of administrative public interest litigation system in our country. The theory of trust, the theory of people's sovereignty and the theory of interest in litigation are the theoretical basis for establishing administrative public interest litigation and broadening the scope of plaintiff's qualification in administrative public interest litigation. In judicial practice, a typical case proves to us that the construction of plaintiff qualification system in administrative public interest litigation not only helps to strengthen the protection of citizens' right of action, but also fills the legislative gap in the litigation system of our country, at the same time, It can also make all kinds of conflicts of interest balance in harmonious society and realize the value goal of fairness and justice. The stone of other mountains can be used to attack jade. By examining the relevant theories of plaintiff's qualification of administrative public interest litigation in representative countries outside China, we can get rid of its dross and take its essence, on the basis of combining the domestic social environment and characteristics, to the procuratorial organs. This paper analyzes and discusses whether social organizations and individual citizens can bear the responsibility of prosecution in order to construct plaintiff qualification system of administrative public interest litigation in China.


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