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发布时间:2019-03-13 15:59
[Abstract]:The role of administrative litigation in promoting the implementation of the constitution can not be ignored. Administrative litigation is an important driving force in the implementation of the constitution of China. The establishment and implementation of the administrative litigation system has led to the implementation of the provisions of the Chinese Constitution concerning the right of citizens to appeal and complain, as well as the universal attention paid to other substantive citizens' fundamental rights, and the display of the constitutional spirit of power restriction. And also explored a "constitutional interpretation" of the constitutional implementation of a new path. Of course, the current administrative litigation system and its practice in promoting the implementation of the Constitution still have shortcomings, facing challenges. Therefore, it is necessary to give full play to the legislative application of the constitution of administrative litigation, supervise the application of the constitution, and explain the three functions of the application of the constitution, so as to further promote the legislative implementation of the constitution of China, supervise the implementation and implementation of the interpretation.
【作者单位】: 苏州大学王健法学院;


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