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发布时间:2019-03-21 07:09
[Abstract]:Since the 21st century, the problems of environmental pollution, ecological destruction, shortage of resources and so on, which are accompanied by the rise of Chinese economy, have been paid more and more attention by the society. Environmental problems must be effectively controlled at present. Environmental public interest litigation is regarded by scholars as an effective way. In the way of economic development in western developed countries, the world war caused the earliest environmental problems. Taking the famous "eight public hazards" as an example, the system of environmental public interest litigation was first formulated by the United States in its own country. In the 1980s, environmental public interest litigation was introduced into China earlier in academic research, and its substantive research breakthrough was at the beginning of this century, when the state began to "explore and establish environmental public interest litigation" through policy guidance. In the same year, Zhang Shijun introduced this litigation system systematically and comprehensively in the form of doctoral thesis, as well as his progress in different countries abroad. As a result, the research on environmental public interest litigation in China has developed. Without plaintiff, there is no litigation. Plaintiff qualification study of environmental public interest litigation is considered to be the basis of environmental public interest litigation system. At present, China has given plaintiff's qualifications to environmental protection social organizations and procuratorial organs, respectively, according to laws and pilot programs, but the reasonableness of plaintiff and plaintiff qualifications of other subjects are still worth discussing. The qualification of plaintiff in environmental public interest litigation should conform to the existing legal system, meet the needs of social and economic development, be not limited to the standards of interest, and relax the scope of plaintiff in environmental public interest litigation step by step in stages. It is beneficial to environmental protection and sustainable economic development. The research on plaintiff qualification of environmental public interest litigation is the basic premise of the establishment of environmental public interest litigation system, which provides services for the establishment and improvement of environmental public interest litigation system. This article studies plaintiff qualification of environmental public interest litigation from the basic concept and theory, and pays attention to plaintiff qualification of four kinds of subjects: environmental protection social organization, environmental protection administration organ, citizen individual, procuratorial organ. This paper analyzes the present situation and problems of plaintiff's qualification in China's legislation and practice. The issue of plaintiff's qualification criteria and the scope of three categories of plaintiff, the issue of individual plaintiff qualification of citizens, the issue of plaintiff qualification of the environmental protection administrative organ, and whether the regulations on environmental protection social organizations are strict. It is intended to explore the way out of plaintiff qualification of environmental public interest litigation in China by studying the development path of plaintiff qualification in environmental public interest litigation in the United States, Britain, Germany and Japan, and drawing lessons from beneficial experiences. Finally, the author puts forward his own idea on the qualification standard of plaintiff, and promotes the development of environmental public interest litigation by the "aim public interest standard". Plaintiff put forward four kinds of main body (namely individual citizen, environmental protection administrative organ, environmental protection social organization, procuratorial organ), analysis and suggestion of plaintiff qualification among other subjects except procuratorial organ. Plaintiff's litigation between the four major aspects of the exercise to improve.


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