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发布时间:2019-03-29 18:19
【摘要】:精神病是一种使人体丘脑和大脑功能受损的疾病。这种疾病会影响人的认识能力和控制能力,可能给自己或他人带来危害。我国有各类精神疾病患者1亿多人,其中约有1600万人是重症精神病人。这些重症精神病人如果有潜在或现实危险性的,应当及时住院治疗。我国精神病患者住院治疗实行自愿原则。但在精神病患者有人身危险性而又不愿意住院治疗时,国家要建立行政强制治疗制度以对其实施强制性住院治疗。精神病人的行政强制治疗,是指精神病患者或其监护人无法履行监护职责的情况下或不同意强制治疗的情况下,行政机关履行自己的法定职责,违背精神病人的意志,按照一定的法律程序将已经或者可能危及自身或他人的精神病人强制送往精神病治疗机构治疗的具体行政行为。精神病人行政强制治疗制度对于维护精神病患者人权方面具有重要价值。这一制度的理论基础包括人权理论、国家亲权理论和国家警察权理论等三个方面,该制度的基本原则包括法治原则、比例原则、强制与治疗相结合原则、正当法律程序原则和权利救济原则等五个方面。 我国自上世纪八十年代开始重视精神病人的强制治疗问题,但直到九十年代才提出精神病人的强制治疗概念。当时没有系统的立法规定,而是由一些地方性法规规章或者其他规范性法律文件进行了零散的规定。2012年颁布的《精神卫生法》对精神病人的治疗坚持以自愿为原则、以强制治疗为例外,从实体条件、程序设置、权利保护和救济手段等方面初步建立起了精神病人行政强制治疗制度。我国虽然已经初步建立起了精神病人行政强制治疗制度,但这一制度在制度设计和制度运行中仍然存在突出的问题,精神病人行政强制治疗的适用条件,精神病标准、人身危险性标准和必要性标准表达不科学;精神病人行政强制治疗的申请、送医、鉴定、决定、治疗、出院、后续治疗、救济程序设置、法律责任的追究机制等方面存在诸多缺陷。由于制度的瑕疵,,实践中精神病人的基本人权经常受到侵害。 完善精神病人行政强制治疗制度应当从以下几个方面着手:科学设置精神病人行政强制治疗适用的病理性条件、必要性条件和意愿条件;充分保障精神病人行政强制治疗中自由权、知情权、受探视权、隐私权和财产权等实体权利;健全精神病人行政强制治疗的申请、受理、诊断、决定、出院等程序;完善精神病人行政强制治救济中的信访制度、行政复议制度、行政赔偿制度、行政诉讼制度和法律责任追究机制。
[Abstract]:Psychosis is a disease that impairs the function of the human thalamus and brain. This disease can affect people's ability to understand and control, and may cause harm to themselves or others. There are more than 100 million mental illness patients in China, of which about 16 million are severe mental patients. If these severe mental patients have a potential or real risk, they should be hospitalized in time. The principle of voluntary treatment of psychotic patients in our country is carried out. However, when the mentally ill have personal danger and are unwilling to be admitted to hospital, the state should establish the administrative compulsory treatment system to implement the compulsory hospitalization. Administrative compulsory treatment of mental patients refers to cases where the mentally ill or their guardians are unable to perform their guardianship duties or do not agree to compulsory treatment, and the administrative organs perform their legal duties against the will of the mentally ill. A specific administrative act by which a mentally ill person who has or is likely to endanger himself or another is forcibly transferred to a psychiatric institution for treatment in accordance with certain legal procedures. The administrative compulsory treatment system for mental patients is of great value in safeguarding the human rights of mental patients. The theoretical basis of this system includes the theory of human rights, the theory of state parental power and the theory of national police power. The basic principles of this system include the principle of rule of law, the principle of proportion, the principle of combination of compulsion and treatment. Due process principle and right relief principle and so on five aspects. Since 1980s, China has paid more attention to the compulsory treatment of mental patients, but it was not until the 1990s that the concept of compulsory treatment of mental patients was put forward. At that time, there was no systematic legislative provision, but rather scattered provisions by some local regulations, regulations or other normative legal documents. The Mental Health Act of 2012 adhered to the principle of volunteerism in the treatment of mental patients. Taking compulsory treatment as an exception, the administrative compulsory treatment system for mental patients has been established from the aspects of entity condition, procedure setting, right protection and relief means and so on. Although our country has initially established the administrative compulsory treatment system for mental patients, there are still outstanding problems in the system design and system operation, the applicable conditions of the administrative compulsory treatment for mental patients, and the standard of mental illness. The standard of personal danger and the standard of necessity are not scientific; There are many defects in the application of administrative compulsory treatment for mental patients, medical referral, identification, decision, treatment, discharge, follow-up treatment, relief procedure setup, legal liability investigation mechanism and so on. Due to the defects of the system, the basic human rights of mental patients are often violated in practice. To perfect the system of administrative compulsory treatment for mental patients, we should proceed from the following aspects: scientific setting of pathological conditions, necessary conditions and willing conditions for administrative compulsory treatment of mental patients; To fully protect the substantive rights such as the right to freedom, the right to know, the right to visit, the right to privacy and property rights in the administrative compulsory treatment of mental patients, and to improve the procedures of application, acceptance, diagnosis, decision and discharge from hospital for the administrative compulsory treatment of mental patients; Perfect the system of letters and visits, the system of administrative reconsideration, the system of administrative compensation, the system of administrative litigation and the mechanism of investigating legal responsibility in the remedy of administrative compulsory administration of mental patients.


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