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发布时间:2019-03-31 19:34
[Abstract]:The procedural effect of the pre-court meeting includes the effectiveness of the pre-court meeting itself and the procedural effect of the pre-court meeting. The procedural effect of the pre-court meeting itself refers to the position of the pre-court meeting itself in the procedural law or in the proceedings, And the relationship between the pre-court meeting and the trial procedure and the legal binding force of the resolutions or transcripts formed by the pre-court meeting on the parties involved in the pre-court meeting. Determining the legal binding force of the pre-court meeting is an effective way to improve the application rate of the pre-court meeting. The validity of the pre-court meeting shall be confirmed by taking the form of a transcript, and the activities and acts of the proceedings confirmed by the transcript shall be legally binding on the parties involved in the proceedings. The pre-trial meeting is a part of the trial preparation procedure, does not have the function of opening and blocking the procedure, it is the necessary procedure of some cases. The pre-court meeting has certain decisive power to the type of trial procedure, and has the function of filtering and filtering the trial procedure, and it is complementary to the trial procedure.
【作者单位】: 苏州大学王健法学院;南昌市中级人民法院;


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