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发布时间:2019-04-02 04:35
【摘要】:今年是我国改革开放的第36年,随着改革的进一步深化,积极地化解社会矛盾,是最大限度地激发社会创造活力、最大限度地增加和谐因素和减少不和谐因素、最大限度地化消极因素为积极因素的重要途径。而目前运用三大调解机制在化解社会矛盾进程中又往往存在着各自的不足,律师恰恰是能够弥补这些不足中重要的一环。在这一背景下,,对律师如何参与三大调解机制,进而化解社会矛盾的路径研究就显得非常重要。 本文对社会矛盾的主要表现与成因进行分析,并剖析了社会矛盾的主要几类化解途径所存在的优势和不足之处。通过对不同矛盾化解模式案例的分析,归纳出目前律师在参与矛盾过程中所存在的问题,提出解决的思路和原则。同时从制度构建、经费落实以及作用扩大等方面设计出一套相对完整的、具有普遍性意义的机制框架,为三大调解制度从根本上更好的预防、化解社会矛盾提供对策建议。
[Abstract]:This year is the 36th year of China's reform and opening-up. With the further deepening of reform, actively resolving social contradictions is to maximize social creativity, increase harmony factors and reduce disharmony factors to the maximum extent. Maximize the negative factors as an important way of positive factors. At present, the three mediation mechanisms often have their own shortcomings in the process of resolving social contradictions. Lawyers are just one of the important links that can make up for these deficiencies. Under this background, it is very important to study how lawyers participate in the three mediation mechanisms to resolve social contradictions. This paper analyzes the main manifestations and causes of social contradictions, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the main solutions to social contradictions. By analyzing the cases of different modes of resolving contradictions, this paper sums up the problems existing in the process of lawyers' participation in contradictions, and puts forward the ideas and principles for solving them. At the same time, a set of relatively complete and universal mechanism framework is designed from the aspects of system construction, funds implementation and function expansion, which provides countermeasures and suggestions for the three mediation systems to prevent and resolve social conflicts fundamentally and better.


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