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发布时间:2019-04-02 01:35
[Abstract]:The traditional retributive punishment view and criminal justice system are unable to deal with the backlog of cases, the shortage of judicial resources, the judicial effect and the protection of human rights. The criminal policy of combining leniency and severity gave birth to the criminal summary procedure, the simplified trial of the accused pleading guilty case, the settlement procedure of the public prosecution case and the quick adjudication procedure of the criminal case, and further led to the practice exploration of the lenient system of pleading guilty confession and punishment. The system of confession and punishment leniency has improved the efficiency of litigation, strengthened the status of defense litigation subject, adapted to the pursuit of judicial reform of confrontation litigation pattern and the protection of human rights, and has carried out pilot reform in the practice of criminal procedure in our country. The practice of pleading guilty to confession and punishment leniency reform shows that the investigation procedure takes a relatively long time in the case processing procedure, and the participation of lawyers in it is helpful for the client to confess guilt and punishment. The plea admission and sentencing recommendations reached by the prosecution and defense parties are more easily accepted by the judicial authorities, and the parties are more satisfied with the outcome of the case and the appeal rate is low. However, the reform practice also reflects that there are many kinds of legal documents needed to deal with the confession and punishment cases. The cases are in the investigation, prosecution and trial links, which take a long time, and the cooperation among the investigation organs, procuratorial organs and judicial organs is not smooth and so on. To optimize the system of admission and leniency from the procedural point of view, attention should be paid to protecting the voluntary nature of confession and punishment of criminal suspects and defendants, paying attention to the procedural rights and interests of victims, strengthening the judicial review of the courts, and various organs should fulfill their treatment of criminal suspects. The defendant's right to inform obligations, guarantee conviction standards and the implementation of the lawyer help system. Specifically, in the investigation procedure, we should strengthen the bail and wait for trial after pleading guilty, monitor the application of residence to reflect the leniency, and give the investigation organ the right to cancel the case. During the review and prosecution procedure, the prosecution and defense parties shall reach an agreement of leniency in confession and punishment, and establish a pre-trial diversion prosecution mechanism and a punishment order procedure. In the trial procedure, we should set up the quick adjudication procedure of light case, perfect the summary procedure, probe into the independence of sentencing procedure, and make clear the negotiation procedure of sentencing of guilty plea case.


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