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发布时间:2019-04-01 21:04
[Abstract]:The present day of the rule of law, the more and more rigid provisions in the criminal justice and the complex circumstances of the case, there is often a huge gap between them, and with the development of the times, the gap will only expand and will not be reduced. At the discretion of the penalty clause, the judge can set up the "Overpass" of the connection with the judge, and it can't be used to realize the balance of the crime and the justice of the sentencing. However, according to the discretionary mitigation provisions of the last century, despite the difficult survival in the wave of waste reform at the end of the end of the century, the development situation in the new century is still not optimistic, and the "loose" of the physical condition and the "draconian" prescribed by the procedure make the paragraph not move, It's hard to use, and it's becoming a "Zombie clause". In this paper, from the point of view of the positive analysis, the author analyzes the case of the application of the penalty clauses, and sums up the difficulties facing the penalty clauses, and tries to sum up the applicable cases in a type of thought. The balance is sought in certainty and openness, with a view to making the discretionary reduction of the provisions of the penalty in a new historical context. The first part of the article makes a brief analysis of the present situation of the theoretical research, and sums up the problems focused on the theoretical circle: the function positioning is controversial, the conditions of application are not clear, the approval procedure is too strict, and the application cases are difficult to find. On the basis of the careful study of 70 cases related to the application of the penalty clause, the second part of the article makes clear the difficulties and problems in the application of the penalty clause in the judicial practice: the application of the standard is not enough, and the judge's argument is not sufficient; The scope of the applicable cases is too narrow to be applicable to several types of old-fashioned charges; abuse and use are abused and used without the coexistence of phenomena; when applicable, there is no risk of the bottom line. One side is the expansion of the practical demand, and one side is the enthusiasm of the theoretical research, and the deep reason that the penalty clause is put into an awkward position is that: firstly, the validity of the article is still in doubt; secondly, the absence of the law and the explanation in the practice makes the "special case" difficult to determine. The third part of the article is to solve the question of the validity of the penalty clause. First of all, through the understanding of the principle of equity, the relationship between the penalty clauses and the legal principle of the crime and punishment should be reformulated from the aspects of the substantive connotation of the legal principle of the crime, the adaptation of the crime and the individualization of the penalty, and so on. In addition, the two dimensions of the "the life of the past life" and the transverse _ extraterritorial criminal law of the penalty clauses are taken as an example from the longitudinal _ China discretion, and the validity of the penalty clauses should be reduced as appropriate. Secondly, through the demonstration of the possibility of the appropriate decentralization of the application of the applicable nuclear power to the penalty and the gradual reform of the two-year-final system, the two ends of the entity and the procedure force the force, and the two-layer review of the provisions in the application and the conflict of the two-year-of-final-court-level system are solved. On the premise that the validity of the clause is recognized, the fourth part first responds to the functional positioning of the articles, and with the deepening of the judicial refinement and the perfection of the legal supervision, the criminal justice will depend more and more on the discretion of the judge as a dancer, The judge can't wear a non-dance, so it is not necessary to define the scope of application of the penalty clause to the discretion of the judge, nor to ask whether it is a "emergency exit" or a "conventional channel", but should focus on the analysis of the reasons for the application of the judge. Secondly, from the point of view of the explanation, according to the interpretation principle of weight lifting and the interpretation of the system explanation to harmonize the provisions, the author puts forward the conclusion that the non-willful mitigation can be reduced and the following sentence is reduced in principle. It also fits the provisions of the Supreme People's Court's criminal sentencing standards. In the end, the article is also the most practical part of the article, under the framework of the existing law, try to find a most operational channel for the judge to apply the discretionary mitigation penalty clause, The special case "is constructed according to the types of the factors such as the intervention of the victim, the possibility of expectation and the inducement of the special feeling, and the application of the provision is incorporated into the typed and standardized track.


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