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发布时间:2019-04-04 20:02
[Abstract]:Whether juvenile justice system is perfect or not is one of the important signs to measure the degree of rule of law in a country. Due to the immature physical and mental development of minors, it is easy to follow the path of crime after being influenced by bad external factors. In order to avoid the influence of minor crime on its future development, the international community generally believes that it is necessary to establish a system of rights protection for minors, and the protection of minor's privacy is one of the important contents. In China, the Law on the Protection of minors, the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency and the Code of Criminal procedure all provide for the protection of the right to privacy of minors involved in crimes. In practice, however, there are still some problems in the system-not only the defects of the law, but also the protection mechanism and institution of the minor's privacy in the crime are lacking. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors, and to ensure that even minors who have committed criminal acts can return to society smoothly after being reformed and become law-abiding citizens useful to the country, we must protect their right to privacy. Improve the relevant legal system. On the basis of expounding the related concepts and demonstrating the value of protecting the right of privacy of the minor involved in crime, this paper analyzes the current situation and reasons of the protection of the right of privacy of the minor involved in crime in our country. Combined with the relevant foreign systems, the author puts forward some suggestions to improve the privacy protection system of minors involved in crime. The thesis is mainly divided into four parts. Firstly, the paper defines the concept of the minor involved in crime and the right to privacy of the minor involved in crime, and expounds the relevant theory of the protection of the right to privacy of the minor. This paper demonstrates the value and significance of the privacy protection of minors involved in crime. The second part of the paper mainly analyzes the status quo of the protection of the privacy of minors involved in crime in our country, thinks that the current system practice mainly exists in the process of criminal proceedings, the protection of judicial organs is not in place, and the storage system of criminal records is difficult to implement. Media reports infringe on the right to privacy of minors and the traditional judicial means can not meet the need of remedy for the infringement of the right to privacy. Secondly, the paper analyzes the main reasons for the above problems: the defects of the legal provisions of privacy protection, the absence of public power to protect the right to privacy, the defects of the system of sealing criminal records and the unrestricted reporting by the media. While analyzing the reasons, the author draws lessons from the successful experience of foreign countries and puts forward some views. On this basis, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the protection of the right to privacy of minors involved in crime, including: perfecting the laws and regulations of the protection of the right to privacy of minors and strengthening the protection of the right to privacy by public power. Improve the system of keeping criminal records and standardize the reporting behavior of the media and so on.


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