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发布时间:2019-04-10 14:47
[Abstract]:In the era of big data, after the physical space and data space were docked, personal behavior and life details were digitized. These massive fragmented data did not involve the identification of citizens' personal information records, and it was difficult to find out their potential relevance by manpower. However, mining technology can integrate these irrelevant metadata into privacy information, and make the personal life trajectory transparent. In the framework of traditional law, these privacy evidence encounter practical embarrassment and theoretical embarrassment that can not be excluded by illegal evidence. In order to reduce the harm of privacy evidence to a socially acceptable level, it is imperative to study the admissibility principle of mining privacy evidence in big data's era, with a view to constructing a benign order and tolerable privacy view under the "mesh" acquaintance society. To promote the rule of law in the era of human digital civilization.
【作者单位】: 中南财经政法大学刑事司法学院;


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