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发布时间:2019-04-09 21:11
[Abstract]:In its judicial interpretation, the Supreme people's Court has established a large number of rules to exclude evidence in order to improve the accuracy of fact determination. The emergence of the rule of exclusion of unreliable evidence responds to the urgent need of judicial practice in our country and is conducive to solving the problem of the judge's difficulty in determining the facts of the case. In the current judicial environment of our country, it is of positive significance to establish a certain number of exclusion rules of unreliable evidence for standardizing the judge's activity of examining and judging evidence and preventing the occurrence of wrongs and wrongs. However, in view of the limitation of the rule of exclusion of unreliable evidence in our country, it is still necessary to strictly limit the scope of application of the rule of absolute exclusion and to establish the legal remedies for the violation of the rules by judges in the formulation of specific legal norms. We should make clear the standard of "correction" and "reasonable explanation", strengthen the normative effect of the relative exclusion rule, perfect the identification rule of physical evidence, and clarify the burden of proof by the prosecution on the authenticity of evidence.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学法学院;
【基金】:2017年西南政法大学资助项目(2017XZQN-20) 四川省社科重点基地纠纷解决与司法改革研究中心资助课题(2015DJKT17)的研究成果


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