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发布时间:2019-04-11 16:14
[Abstract]:In our country, the appearance rate of expert is not low in fact, and the appearance of expert in court should not be the normal condition, but should be realized according to the need of litigation. From the perspective of criminal procedure, the expert's "should give out" should be regulated from the perspective of his participation in the whole process of litigation, on the one hand, let the parties take more part in the process of the expert's involvement in the process of litigation. It includes the choice of expert and the perfection of applying for court, on the other hand, the right of expert is better protected. In this way, it can not only reduce the need for the expert to appear in court, but also improve the volunteerism of the expert to appear in court.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院法学研究所;
【基金】:最高人民检察院"检察官权力清单分级、分类研究"课题的阶段性成果之一 上海社会科学院"刑事法学"创新学科和博士科研项目的资助


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