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发布时间:2019-04-23 17:35
[Abstract]:With the increasingly fierce competition in the field of international economic and trade, especially at a time when the financial and economic crisis is far from over, market players are trying to control costs and try to do more with the least money. Even in the case of disputes with other players, companies want to resolve them in the cheapest and most efficient way, particularly in shipping. The introduction of the maritime ad hoc arbitration system is also catering to such a trend. Provisional arbitration system has been universally accepted internationally, but its validity has not been fully recognized under Chinese law. This not only brings many disadvantages and inconvenience to shipping parties, but also restricts the development of maritime arbitration in China. Starting with the introduction of the development history of maritime ad hoc arbitration and its practical application in the world, this paper analyzes in detail the necessity and feasibility of introducing the system under the law of our country. It also discusses some legal problems that may be faced by the introduction of maritime ad hoc arbitration in China, and puts forward its own views and suggestions.


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