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发布时间:2019-04-23 15:29
[Abstract]:The "handling of other cases" in criminal proceedings in our country is to investigate, prosecute or try criminal suspects who have already arrived in some joint criminal cases, while criminal suspects who have not arrived because of the circumstances of being at large, and so on, are investigated, prosecuted or tried in some joint criminal cases. Separate them from joint criminal cases, establish separate cases, investigate, prosecute, or try. "handling another case" first appeared in the Supreme people's Procuratorate, the Supreme people's Court, and the Ministry of Public Security in the opinions on how to identify and deal with rogue groups issued in 1984. The fifth point of the opinion stipulates that "except for those members of a rogue group who have escaped, they shall be dealt with in one case, and shall not be separated from each other." After 1999, the "handling of separate cases" has been gradually promoted in practice. The original intention of "handling other cases" is commendable and its positive significance is very clear, and therefore, despite its numerous problems in theory and practice, the judiciary has not only persisted in its use, but has no tendency to abandon it completely, And continue to consolidate, reform and improve it. This article is based on the existing research literature and results of "handling other cases", and in combination with the provisions of the guidance on the Application of "regulating the handling of separate cases" in Criminal cases, To a certain extent, the "handling of separate cases" in criminal justice practice was investigated, and first-line case handlers were interviewed, and typical cases of "handling other cases" were collected from them. In-depth understanding and analysis of the various problems they have encountered in the process of handling "other cases" cases, so as to have a more systematic understanding of the problem of "handling other cases" in criminal cases. In this paper, the problems existing in the operation of "handling another case" are summarized into ten aspects, including the imperfect legal norms of "handling another case", and the dispute between the subject of the case handling and its discretion, which is applicable to the "handling of another case". The scope of application of "handling other cases" is generalized, the transfer of file materials is incomplete and the marking is not uniform, the investigation departments do not have in place the investigation of persons who have been "dealt with in separate cases", and there is improper substantive handling in cases of "handling other cases". And the cases of "handling other cases" are not in place according to law and the sentencing is uneven, the dissenting and relief procedures of interested parties are lacking, and the supervision mechanism of "handling other cases" is not perfect, and so on. This paper argues that the definition (definition) of "separate case handling" by the Ministry of Supreme Procuratorate and Public Security is more scientific, but the distinction between "separate case handling" and "separate case handling" should be paid attention to in practice. The main reasons for the problem of "handling another case" are: the legal norm of "handling another case" is not perfect, and the "active" degree of judicial practice of "handling another case" is not in conformity with the present situation of "silence" at the level of legal provisions; There are some disadvantages in the judicial organ assessment system. The unreasonable examination mechanism will not improve the efficiency of the judicial organs, but will breed the malpractice of man-made separation of cases. The supervision mechanism of "handling another case" is not perfect, and the supervision mechanism which is not perfect in the operation of power is easy to be abused. In view of the above problems, the main strategies put forward in this paper are as follows: perfecting the legal norms of "handling a separate case" and innovating the system while perfecting the legal norm of "dealing with a separate case"; To improve the internal assessment mechanism of investigation organs, the assessment should not only be carried out from many angles but also be implemented on the impact on individual interests; We should improve the supervision mechanism of "handling other cases", clarify the specific scope of supervision, smooth the channels of supervision, establish the whole dynamic supervision mechanism, and give the procuratorial organs the right to inquire and correct; Enhance judicial transparency, make information public and strengthen external supervision.


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