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发布时间:2019-04-25 22:15
【摘要】:2012年修订民事诉讼法,在涉及调解制度部分新增了民事纠纷“先行调解”的规定,以期增加替代性纠纷解决机制分流司法负担的效能。然而,先行调解在条文规定上的粗疏和过于抽象也给我们在理论以及司法实践中留下了进一步讨论和细化该制度的巨大空间。 因此,在当前民事诉讼调解社会化和构建多元化纠纷解决机制的语境下,本文尝试综合运用规范分析、实证分析法的方法,对我国先行调解予以研究,在对“先行调解”这一新的民事程序机制从理论上进行分析定位、从实践中进行剖析总结的基础上,尝试构建与我国司法实际相适应的先行调解制度体系,作为案件进入法院后的非审判纠纷解决途径,成为解决人民日益增长的司法需求与司法供给不足失衡、实现社会力量参与司法和法院履行社会责任的互动的重要方式。 本文主体内容由三章构成,第一章为先行调解概述,首先通过背景介绍、涵义阐释和性质分析以及相关概念的比较分析来明确先行调解的定位,接着对先行调解的正当性进行必要论证。第二章为先行调解运行现状评析。首先是先行调解司法实践状况的考察,在此基础上揭露实践中出现的问题。第三章为先行调解制度设计,着力探讨构建先行调解的程序构建,包括先行调解的原则、主体、范围、协议效力、调解期限、调解费用六个方面。
[Abstract]:In 2012, the Civil procedure Law was amended to include the provision of "advance mediation" in the mediation system, with a view to increasing the effectiveness of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms to divert the judicial burden. However, the carelessness and abstractness of the provisions of advance mediation also leave us great room for further discussion and refinement of the system in theory and judicial practice. Therefore, in the context of the socialization of civil litigation mediation and the construction of diversified dispute resolution mechanism, this paper attempts to use the methods of normative analysis and empirical analysis to study the mediation in advance in our country. On the basis of theoretical analysis and summary of "advance mediation", a new civil procedure mechanism, this paper tries to construct a system of advance mediation system which adapts to the judicial practice of our country. As a way to solve the non-trial dispute after the case enters the court, it becomes an important way to solve the imbalance between the increasing judicial demand and the insufficient judicial supply of the people, and to realize the interaction between the social forces participating in the judiciary and the court fulfilling the social responsibility. The main content of this paper consists of three chapters, the first chapter is an overview of advance mediation. Firstly, through the background introduction, meaning interpretation and nature analysis as well as the comparative analysis of related concepts to clarify the positioning of advance mediation. Then it is necessary to demonstrate the legitimacy of the first mediation. The second chapter is the analysis of the current situation of the advance mediation operation. The first is the investigation of the judicial practice of mediation in advance, and on this basis, it reveals the problems that appear in the practice. The third chapter is the design of the advance mediation system, focusing on the construction of the procedure construction of the advance mediation, including six aspects: the principle, the subject, the scope, the effect of agreement, the period of mediation, and the mediation cost.


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