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发布时间:2019-04-26 06:32
[Abstract]:We propose to establish a wide range of judicial mechanisms from the legal and civil society levels to expand the meaning of the justice of victims, and to formulate a sound evaluation and comparison methods. The pattern of victim and justice includes the following three elements: judicial mechanism, victimized situation and victim's judicial demand. The judicial field needs a new way to elaborate and compare the judicial response. We should replace retribution and restorative justice with traditional and innovative concepts of justice, and reach consensus on the key terms of reparation, compensation, and restitution. In addition, the problem of sexual victimization should be placed in a broader context or reference domain. By paying attention to different situations of sexual victimization, a more systematic and reliable basis of victimization and judicial evidence can be established. Finally, in the field of justice, a clearer measure of the victim's judicial experience is needed than "satisfaction" or "therapeutic effect". The introduction of the concept of victims' judicial needs (or interests) can provide a new prospect and perspective for evaluating and comparing traditional and innovative judicial mechanisms as well as understanding the judicial expectations of victims.
【作者单位】: 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学;华东政法大学法律学院;


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