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发布时间:2019-04-26 22:38
[Abstract]:The perfection of the technical investigation in our country should focus on the procedure. Technical investigation under the rule of procedure can be defined as: to protect human rights and control the dynamic balance of crime as the overall concept of regulation of technical investigation, to regulate the approval process of technical investigation with effective control as the concept, and to regulate the approval procedure of technical investigation based on the concept of effective control. The reasonable protection of the right to privacy is the concept to regulate the region, scope and types of technical investigation measures; to regulate the period of technical investigation with the principle of necessity and appropriateness; and to regulate the procedural sanctions of technical investigation with the idea of power control. Although there are some differences between the civil law system and the common law system, the countries ruled by law have made strict regulations on the scope of application of technical investigation, examination and approval procedure, time, place, time limit, use of evidence, the right of the parties to remedy and so on. The problems of technical investigation in our country are as follows: the regulation of examination and approval of technical investigation is too vague, the scope of application is not clear, the period of application is too broad, there is no regulation on the place of application, the procedural sanction is missing, and it is easy to operate in the dark box. Violation of the constitutional rights of citizens As far as the current situation and judicial system of our country are concerned, it is more appropriate for the procuratorial organ as the legal supervision organ to examine and approve the technical investigation measures. The main content of examination and approval is whether or not it is necessary to carry out technical investigation, and what is its basis. After approving the request of investigation organ, procuratorial organ should reply in writing. The term of use of technical investigation needs to be defined in combination with the actual situation of technical investigation measures, rather than a uniform provision of 3 months. In addition, "it is still necessary" to continue to take technical investigation measures "may be extended" at the expiration of the prescribed time limit for the implementation of technical investigation, and the number of extensions must be clearly specified, and the number of extensions should be taken twice. The scope of application of technical investigation should be unified with legal punishment, and the criterion of serious infringement of legal interests should be three-year fixed-term imprisonment (excluding probation). In other words, technical investigation is applicable to major cases or urgent cases that may be sentenced to imprisonment of more than three years. In considering the type of application of technical investigation, we should not only take into account the types and means of technical investigation to which the category of crime, the circumstances of the case and the circumstances of the suspect are appropriate, but also take into account the lag of the law. Develop some technical investigation techniques that can be applied in the future. China should make regulations on the applicable place of investigation, such as strictly forbidding the technical investigation of the suspect's residence, which can prevent the abuse of the power of technical investigation after restricting the investigation place, so as to better protect the human rights. If the basic rights of citizens are infringed by the requirement to use technical investigation measures according to the procedure limited by law, the relevant personnel can carry out relief in accordance with the law. In addition to the examination and approval procedure and the implementation procedure, some sanctions procedures should also be set up, that is, if the investigation organ fails to take technical investigation measures in accordance with the provisions, it must bear certain responsibilities and consequences, such as the suspension and revocation of the proceedings, and the proceedings shall be invalid. Rule out illegal evidence and reduce punishment.


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