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发布时间:2019-04-27 22:03
[Abstract]:Article 53 of the new Administrative procedure Law establishes the system of the plaintiff's right to request the examination of administrative normative documents. On the one hand, the establishment of this system expands the scope of the plaintiff's right of action in administrative litigation in China, and it is of great significance to the protection of citizens. Other relevant rights of legal persons and other social organizations are positive; On the other hand, it can effectively regulate the exercise of the executive power and control the executive power from a three-dimensional perspective. From a more macro point of view, it is to make our country's administrative rule of law more rational. Therefore, the realization of this right of the plaintiff has a more complex and specific path, and it is difficult to clarify it only from the perspective of the right of action or from the angle of judicial review. The plaintiff's right to request for examination of administrative normative documents should be realized by denying the basis of the specific administrative act being sued, judging that the administrative act is illegal, recognizing the right of judicial proposal, and terminating the illegal or improper administrative normative document.
【作者单位】: 上海财经大学法学院;


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