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发布时间:2019-04-28 19:09
[Abstract]:Civil burden of proof system is the backbone of civil litigation, the current civil burden of proof system inherited the German scholar Rosenbeck's "normative theory" basic rules, although labor dispute litigation has particularity, However, according to the current laws and regulations, the distribution rules of civil burden of proof under the guidance of normative theory are still applied. As a result of the membership of labourers and employers, in labor disputes, there is often a difficult situation of proof, and the result of this difficulty of proof is not caused by the laborer's own reasons. Judges judge such cases according to the current burden of proof distribution rules, which often result in unfair results. In labor dispute litigation, there are generally two reasons for the difficulty of proof, one is that the evidence is in the hands of the employer, the other is that the evidence has not been formed. In the first case, the difficulty of proof can be solved by using the existing evidence obstruction system, and the difficulty of proof resulting from the non-formation of the second kind of evidence can be solved, and the existing rules for the allocation of burden of proof cannot solve the problem very well. Therefore, we should look for a new perspective-the theory of lightening the burden of proof. The use of the theory of lightening the burden of proof in this case mainly refers to the reduction of the standard of proof, which on the one hand alleviates the plight of the labourers in proving evidence. On the other hand, the burden of proof has not been completely removed from labourers, which can prevent labourers from suing and harming the legitimate rights and interests of employing units. Therefore, the system of burden of proof in labor dispute litigation should take the distribution rule of burden of proof in civil litigation as the core, at the same time, it can be reconciled with the theory of lightening the burden of proof under the special circumstances of difficulty of proof. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part, starting with typical cases, it is found that the problem in judicial practice is that the lack of evidence causes labourers to prove difficult in litigation; In the second part, the author analyzes the distribution rules of burden of proof in labor dispute litigation, and finds that the current distribution rule of burden of proof is still in accordance with the traditional rules of distribution of burden of proof in civil cases, which is in line with the "norm theory". The third part analyzes the defects of the distribution rules of the burden of proof in labor dispute litigation, first of all, the theoretical defect, the premise of the application of "norm theory" is equal subject, and the main body status of both sides in labor dispute litigation is not equal. The theory of "normative theory" has not considered the problem of the difference of proof ability at the beginning of its construction, and the second is the practice defect, and the lack of evidence will lead to the difficulty of proving evidence by labourers. The judicial practice of this kind of situation can not be solved very well; In the fourth part, we introduce the theory of lightening the burden of proof, which can solve the problem of laborer's burden of proof in judicial practice.


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