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发布时间:2019-04-29 17:25
[Abstract]:In order to improve the leniency system of confession and punishment in criminal procedure, we not only need to discuss the related problems from the angle of criminal substantive law, but also need to carry on in-depth and systematic research from the angle of criminal procedure law. For the difficult problems, we should start from the unique circumstances of the criminal procedure and take the justice of the procedure as the basic requirement. In order to improve the leniency system of confession and punishment in criminal procedure, many difficult problems cannot be solved if it is limited to the leniency in the sense of substantive law and procedural law. On the basis of the evidentiary value of confession and punishment in criminal procedure, we should adhere to the principles of presumption of innocence, protection of rights, regulation of authority and so on, and study and solve the related difficult problems of perfecting the system of admission and punishment of guilty plea in criminal proceedings. Including the issue of the protection of rights, the restriction between the authorities involved in the system of admission and leniency in criminal proceedings, and the issue of the requirement of criminal proof in the leniency system of confession and punishment, and so on. In order to help to promote the improvement of the admission and punishment leniency system in criminal proceedings, to prevent and avoid the possible problems in the criminal procedure of the admission of confession and punishment from the leniency system.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院法学研究所;中国社会科学院人权研究中心;


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