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发布时间:2019-04-29 14:26
【摘要】:受案范围是各国行政诉讼领域特有且十分重要的一个问题,其直接体现了行政法治的水平,决定着司法权对行政权审查范畴的大小和公民、法人及其他社会组织在遭受行政行为侵害时能够寻求司法救济的程度。但在我国,受案范围却一直是行政诉讼法实施以来争议最大、诟病最多的问题之一,究其原因,正是在于我国行政诉讼受案范围的确立标准过于狭窄,仅规定人身权、财产权和具体行政行为可诉,这导致了大量行政纠纷由于不符合上述标准而被法院拒之门外。 本文首先对影响受案范围确立标准的因素、产生途径进行分析,,然后通过对我国行政诉讼受案范围确立标准的立法沿革的阐述,指出当前我国行政诉讼受案范围确立标准的缺陷和完善的必要性,进而在借鉴域外相关规定和我国学者的研究成果的基础上提出自己的完善对策,即通过扩大可诉的行政行为种类、原告主体资格、权益保护范围和引入案例指导的方式扩大受案范围的确立标准,以期更好的实现行政诉讼的目的。
[Abstract]:The scope of accepting a case is a special and very important issue in the administrative litigation field of various countries, which directly reflects the level of administrative rule of law and determines the size of the scope of judicial review of administrative power and citizens. The extent to which legal persons and other social organizations can seek judicial remedies when they suffer from administrative acts. But in our country, the scope of accepting cases has always been one of the most controversial and most criticized problems since the implementation of the administrative procedure law. The reason is that the standard of establishing the scope of accepting cases in administrative litigation is too narrow and only prescribes personal rights. Property rights and specific administrative acts are actionable, which leads to a large number of administrative disputes rejected by the courts because they do not meet the above standards. This paper first analyzes the factors that affect the scope of accepting cases and the ways to produce them, and then expounds the legislative evolution of establishing the standards of the scope of accepting cases in administrative litigation in our country. This paper points out the defects and necessity of establishing the standard of accepting cases in administrative litigation in our country at present, and then puts forward its own perfect countermeasures on the basis of drawing lessons from the relevant regulations outside the territory and the research results of scholars in our country. That is, by expanding the types of administrative acts that can be sued, the qualification of the plaintiff, the scope of protection of rights and interests and the way of introducing case guidance, the establishment standard of the scope of accepting cases is expanded in order to better realize the purpose of administrative litigation.


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