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发布时间:2019-05-07 18:26
[Abstract]:Wang Alan v. Wenzhou traffic police detachment administrative violation case, after several trials by the Zhejiang Provincial multilevel people's Court, lasted two years and seven months, causing great social repercussions. Based on the analysis of the defense reasons of both parties and the trial results of the court, this paper extracts the legal relationship involved in the case and clarifies the focus of the dispute. Through the analysis of the focus of disputes, this paper clarifies the legal attributes of traffic police card checking illegal vehicles and forcibly intercepting them and the legal effect of internal normative documents. The behavior of traffic police checking illegal vehicles and blocking them by force has become the focus of controversy in this case. The appearance of the behavior is whether the behavior is administrative inspection or administrative fact, and its root should lie in the legislative mode of accepting cases in administrative litigation in our country. By analyzing the focus of disputes and combining with the relevant amendments of the Administrative procedure Law, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the scope of accepting cases and the perfection of internal normative documents in administrative litigation in China. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the basic situation of the case, the reasons and results of the court hearing, and sums up the controversial focus of the case. In the second part, through the study of the ways that the traffic police can obtain relief in the administrative litigation field by checking illegal vehicles and forcibly intercepting them, the author analyzes that the Lucheng District Court of Wenzhou City accepts the behavior as the scope of accepting the administrative compensation lawsuit. The Wenzhou Intermediate people's Court defined it as the administrative factual act and the Zhejiang Provincial High Court identified it as the administrative inspection act, and through the way of administrative litigation to remedy Wang Alan. This paper analyzes the value of procedural rights and obligations in administrative law through the distinction and connection between administrative inspection act and administrative factual act. The third part clarifies the meaning of other normative documents and divides them into internal normative documents and external normative documents according to their objects and legal effects. Internal normative documents generally apply only to administrative organs and their staff, but the principle of equality or the protection of administrative trust applies, The internal normative documents that only restrict the administrative organs and their staff will have external legal effect. If the normative documents are valid, they can be used as the basis for the court to examine the legality of administrative acts. According to the object and legal effect of Traffic Police Road Law Enforcement Standard, it belongs to the internal normative document. This paper demonstrates whether the "Traffic Police Road Enforcement Code" is legal and effective, and further analyzes whether the normative document has externalized effect in this case by means of the principle of equality or the applicable conditions of the principle of trust protection. Whether the court can examine Wenzhou traffic police detachment to inspect illegal vehicles and forcefully intercept the legality of the act. The fourth part, on the basis of the newly revised Administrative procedure Law, puts forward some feasible measures in judicial practice to improve the scope of accepting cases and the legal effect of internal normative documents in administrative litigation in China.


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