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发布时间:2019-05-07 13:52
[Abstract]:The pluralistic dispute resolution mechanism, led by the court and with the participation of all the forces of the society, emphasizes the full use of the social power of resolving disputes and contradictions, and it is inevitable that the role of mediation should be further brought into play. More contradictions from society will be resolved in society. The mediation system in civil litigation in our country has played an important role in the settlement of civil disputes, and has effectively resolved some contradictions before the hearing, but the main mediation work is still carried out by the people's court establishing a special mediation department. It also adds to the pressure on the local courts. The mediation pre-procedure can not only give full play to the role of mediation in resolving disputes, but also effectively reduce the pressure of court cases, reduce the litigation costs of the parties, promote the development of civil mediation institutions, and also help to enhance the authority of the court. Therefore, it is necessary for our country to establish a real mediation pre-procedure step by step, by law to make clear provisions on the scope of acceptance of mediation pre-procedure, the qualification identification of mediation institutions and mediators, and the results and effectiveness of mediation agreements. To make it operational.
【作者单位】: 延边大学法学院;


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