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发布时间:2019-05-11 04:40
【摘要】: 证据是认定案件的基础,是维护当事人合法权益和司法公正的重要保障,在整个诉讼过程中处于中心环节。非法证据排除规则虽然是现代刑事诉讼的产物,但在保障宪法赋予公民的基本人权、限制国家权力等方面,与行政诉讼的贡献是相通的,所以非法证据排除规则同样也适用于行政诉讼领域。在行政诉讼过程中,非法证据排除规则主要是为了防止行政机关的公权力在缺乏必要规则制约的情况下,会肆无忌惮的侵蚀公民的私权利空间,所以该规则在证据规则乃至整个行政诉讼程序中都发挥着举足轻重的作用。 本文就行政诉讼非法证据排除规则的相关规定进行了论述。全文共分四部分,第一部分论述了行政诉讼非法证据的基本涵义,让我们从宏观上有个总体认识;第二部分又论述了该规则在美国的发展历史,体现了基本人权和国家公权力的斗争史;接着是我国关于行政诉讼非法证据排除的现行立法,为我们进一步讨论排除规则的构建提供了立法依据;第三部分就从理论层面论述了该规则与程序、正义、价值的关系,体现了该规则的价值取向;第四部分就在前三部分的基础上论述了行政诉法证据排除规则的构建问题。
[Abstract]:Evidence is the basis of the cognizance of the case, is an important guarantee to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and judicial justice, and is in the central link in the whole litigation process. Although the rule of excluding illegal evidence is the product of modern criminal procedure, its contribution to administrative litigation is similar to that of administrative litigation in the aspects of guaranteeing the basic human rights conferred by the Constitution and restricting the power of the state. Therefore, the exclusion rule of illegal evidence also applies to the field of administrative litigation. In the process of administrative litigation, the exclusion rule of illegal evidence is mainly to prevent the public power of administrative organs from unscrupulously eroding the private rights space of citizens in the absence of necessary rules. Therefore, this rule plays an important role in the evidence rule and even in the whole administrative litigation procedure. This paper discusses the relevant provisions of the exclusion rule of illegal evidence in administrative litigation. The full text is divided into four parts, the first part discusses the basic meaning of illegal evidence in administrative litigation, so that we have a general understanding from a macro point of view; The second part also discusses the development history of the rule in the United States, reflecting the struggle history of basic human rights and national public power. Then there is the current legislation on the exclusion of illegal evidence in administrative litigation in our country, which provides the legislative basis for us to further discuss the construction of exclusionary rules. The third part discusses the relationship between the rule and procedure, justice and value from the theoretical level, reflecting the value orientation of the rule; the fourth part discusses the construction of the exclusion rule of administrative litigation evidence on the basis of the first three parts.


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