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发布时间:2019-05-15 00:32
[Abstract]:According to the Constitution, the power of examination and arrest in our country belongs to the procuratorial organs. Therefore, the author believes that the practical investigation and analysis of the application of arrest in procuratorial organs can truly reflect the operation of arrest procedure in the judicial practice of our country. Therefore, this paper intends to investigate and study the application of arrest procedure in 脳 脳 County Procuratorate of Guangdong Province, analyze the problems and causes in the process of application, and provide a realistic and reliable way to perfect the arrest system approved by procuratorial organs. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part is to analyze the applicable arrest procedure of procuratorial organs and find out the crux of the problem. Through the investigation and analysis of the approved arrest situation of the 脳 脳 County Procuratorate in Guangdong Province, this paper summarizes the main problems existing in the application of the arrest system, which are embodied in four aspects: one is that the rate of arrest is on the high side, the other is that there are many cases of misarrest; Third, the rate of suspended sentence after arrest is higher; fourth, the rate of light sentence after arrest is higher. The second part is the analysis of the problems that affect the application of arrest procedure to procuratorial organs. The author believes that there are the following problems in the approval of arrest by procuratorial organs in our country: first, there is a deviation in the concept of law enforcement; second, the applicable conditions of arrest are too broad and operable; third, the local culture has a great influence on judicial practice. The third part puts forward the way to perfect the arrest procedure of procuratorial organs in our country. It mainly includes the following aspects: first, change the concept of law enforcement and integrate human rights protection into judicial practice. Second, strictly examine the conditions for arrest and ensure the reasonable application of arrest measures. Third, reasonable establishment of assessment indicators, improve the supervision mechanism. Fourth, the equal application of arrest measures to demonstrate the spirit of the Constitution for the protection of human rights. Fifth, summarize the experience of judicial practice and deepen the reform of procuratorial system.


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