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发布时间:2019-05-18 07:07
[Abstract]:The time limit system of proof has been in operation for a long time in the practice of our country. In the course of its operation, our country has continuously carried on the research and the exploration, found the problem to solve the problem, has gradually carried on the rich to this system. Adapt it to the national conditions of our country. Both the Civil procedure Law promulgated in 2012 and the Judicial interpretation of Civil procedure Law in 2015 have adjusted and stipulated the time limit system for proof. However, whether from the point of view of system design or actual operation, There are some shortcomings in the current time limit system of proof, which needs to be further improved so that it can fully adapt to the national conditions and modern litigation concept of our country and give full play to its system function. The time limit system of proof, which is based on the principle of good faith, the economic concept of litigation and the theory of procedural stability, has the functions of ensuring the fairness of litigation, promoting the reconciliation of the parties and ensuring the stability of the judgment. This system came into being and developed earlier in some countries and regions outside the country, and has formed a relatively mature system, such as the system of complaint procedure and evidence disclosure in the United Kingdom, the compulsory system of disclosure in the United States and the system of pre-court meetings. As well as Germany's unique legal court claim, Japan's party note system and so on. The time limit system of proof in our country was in a state that did not exist in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, until the Supreme people's Court promulgated some provisions on evidence in Civil procedure in 2001, and stipulated the time limit system of proof for the first time in the form of judicial interpretation. And after the notice of the Supreme people's Court in 2008 on the time limit for proof in certain provisions on the Application of evidence in Civil Litigation, the supplement and perfection of the Civil procedure Law in 2012 and the Judicial interpretation of the Civil procedure Law in 2015, Gradually formed the existing system of proof time limit system. Due to the influence of traditional concepts and the shortcomings of system design, the current time limit system of proof can not be well coordinated with practice, such as the compulsory defense system. The deficiency or lack of the design of the relevant supporting systems, such as the evidence exchange system and the pre-court meeting system, as well as the decision of whether the evidence is accepted or not, the unclear and unreasonable judgment standards lead to the judges having too much discretion. All these are hindering the normal function of the time limit system of proof, so that the system can not fully realize its value. Through the study of this system, combined with the practice experience outside the country, we can find that the compulsory defense system can be established in a real sense to ensure the full exchange of information between the parties, and the relevant provisions of the exchange of evidence can be improved. In order to ensure the exchange of evidence and the full play of the role. The supporting pre-court meeting system is improved, its content is enriched, the starting mode of the pre-court meeting is diversified, and its position in the process of handling the case is clarified, so as to ensure the play of its function. Give full play to the role of the judge's right of interpretation to ensure that the parties can take the initiative and fully exercise their corresponding rights and fulfill their legal obligations with full knowledge. At the same time, the current criterion of whether the overdue evidence is related to the facts of the case is modified as the criterion of whether the court adopts it or not, in order to ensure the significance of this system and improve the efficiency of litigation. So that the time limit system of proof can play its due role and promote the progress of civil litigation in our country.


相关硕士学位论文 前4条

1 李浩;论民事诉讼当事人逾期举证的法律后果[D];山西大学;2015年

2 温琴;论举证时限制度实践与立法的调适[D];昆明理工大学;2015年

3 张持;我国民事诉讼举证时限制度研究[D];内蒙古大学;2014年

4 王家毅;民事强制答辩制度研究[D];内蒙古大学;2011年




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