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发布时间:2019-05-20 09:45
[Abstract]:Compared with the abuse of public power in criminal proceedings, criminal omission is a hidden act of improper exercise of power, which belongs to a kind of lazy government. The social harm caused by it is no less than that caused by criminal abuse. Criminal omission includes failure to perform legal duties, refusal to perform statutory duties and serious misconduct. The State compensation Law and other laws and regulations of our country have obvious shortcomings in the provisions of state compensation caused by criminal omission. As a result, the legitimate rights and interests of the victims who have suffered the harm of criminal omission often appear in practice, and there is no way to obtain relief. It is not only necessary to bring criminal omission into the scope of national compensation, but also feasible in operation. The state compensation system of criminal omission in our country should be constructed comprehensively from the aspects of standardizing the situation of criminal omission, defining the subject and object of state compensation for criminal omission, and refining the burden of proof and the standard of compensation for state compensation for criminal omission.
【作者单位】: 安徽大学法学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(15YJC820035) 司法部一般项目(16SFB2030)


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