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发布时间:2019-05-24 17:55
【摘要】:亲子关系的否认诉讼是亲子法领域中确定父母子女身份关系的一种非常重要的诉讼程序。我国学界对亲子关系否认诉讼的认识不够成熟,现行《婚姻法》也没有对这一诉讼作出明确规定,只是在2011年8月施行的《婚姻法解释(三)》中的第2条对其作出了原则性的解释,缺乏可操作性,这使得亲子法的内容与结构存在重大缺陷。笔者以“亲子关系否认诉讼研究”为论题,从民事诉讼法的角度,结合实体法的有关规定,对亲子关系否认诉讼的内涵与性质、婚生子女的推定、当事人适格、诉权、亲子鉴定等理论与实务问题分别进行了研讨,借鉴我国台湾地区及域外法对这一诉讼的立法经验,在比较法研究的基础上,提出并论证了完善我国亲子关系否认诉讼的立法建议。 本文除引言和结语外,正文分为五个部分,共计28000余字。 第一部分是亲子关系否认诉讼概述。对亲子关系否认诉讼的内涵、婚生子女的推定、亲子关系否认诉讼的性质等内容进行阐释,从而论证亲子关系否认诉讼存在的法理基础。 第二部分是亲子关系否认诉讼的当事人适格。借鉴我国台湾地区以及域外的相关法律规定,,探讨了夫、妻、子女、生父、继承权受侵害的第三人的原告适格问题以及被告适格问题。 第三部分是亲子关系否认诉讼中的亲子鉴定。阐明亲子鉴定的适用原则,结合亲子鉴定程序中的检查协助义务的含义,阐述亲子鉴定可否强制进行以及当事人拒绝鉴定的法律后果,提出严格限制亲子鉴定的范围、加强鉴定机构的监管、规定出具鉴定报告前的复核制度等针对亲子鉴定的完善建议。 第四部分是亲子关系否认权的消灭。在借鉴我国台湾地区及域外的立法经验及前人研究成果的基础上,论证了起诉期间经过、子女死亡、夫同意承认子女为婚生的三种情况下亲子关系否认权是否消灭的问题。 第五部分是我国亲子关系否认诉讼的立法思考。从明确界定否认权人的范围、否认权行使的条件、亲子关系否认诉讼的程序、否认权消灭的时效等四个方面提出并论证了完善我国亲子关系否认诉讼的立法建议。
[Abstract]:The denial lawsuit of parent-child relationship is a very important procedure to determine the identity relationship between parents and children in the field of parent-child law. The academic circles of our country are not mature enough to deny the lawsuit of parent-child relationship, and the current Marriage Law has not made a clear provision on this lawsuit. It is only in Article 2 of the interpretation of Marriage Law (3), which came into effect in August 2011, that it is explained in principle and lacks maneuverability, which makes the content and structure of parent-child law have great defects. The author takes "the study of parent-child relationship denial litigation" as the topic, from the point of view of civil procedure law, combined with the relevant provisions of substantive law, denies the connotation and nature of the lawsuit, the presumption of children born in wedlock, the appropriateness of the parties, and the right to sue. This paper discusses the theoretical and practical issues such as paternity testing, draws lessons from the legislative experience of Taiwan and foreign laws in this lawsuit, and on the basis of comparative law research, This paper puts forward and demonstrates the legislative suggestions to perfect the parent-child relationship denial litigation in our country. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the main body is divided into five parts, a total of more than 28000 words. The first part is an overview of parent-child relationship denial litigation. This paper explains the connotation of parent-child relationship denial litigation, the inference of children born in wedlock, and the nature of parent-child relationship denial litigation, so as to demonstrate the legal basis of parent-child relationship denial litigation. The second part is the parent-child relationship to deny the appropriateness of the litigants. Referring to the relevant legal provisions of Taiwan and other countries, this paper probes into the plaintiff suitability of husband, wife, children, biological father and third party whose inheritance rights are infringed, as well as the suitability of the defendant. The third part is the paternity test in the lawsuit of denial of paternity. This paper expounds the applicable principles of paternity testing, combined with the meaning of the obligation of examination and assistance in paternity testing procedure, expounds whether paternity testing can be compulsory and the legal consequences of the parties' refusal to do so, and puts forward that the scope of paternity testing should be strictly limited. Strengthen the supervision of appraisal institutions, stipulate the review system before the issuance of identification reports and other suggestions for the improvement of paternity testing. The fourth part is the elimination of the right of repudiation of parent-child relationship. On the basis of drawing lessons from the legislative experience of Taiwan and other countries and the previous research results, this paper demonstrates whether the right to deny the parent-child relationship is eliminated during the prosecution period when the child dies and the husband agrees to admit that the child is born in wedlock. The fifth part is the legislative thinking of denying litigation of parent-child relationship in our country. This paper puts forward and demonstrates the legislative suggestions for perfecting the negation litigation in our country from four aspects: clearly defining the scope of the negator, the conditions for the exercise of the right of denial, the procedure of denying the lawsuit of the parent-child relationship, and the limitation of the elimination of the right of denunciation.


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