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发布时间:2019-06-01 23:06
[Abstract]:The execution of criminal punishment is very important in the whole field of criminal justice, and it is also the ultimate link to realize the national penalty power. The commutation system is an important part of the penalty execution system. It is a penalty execution change system which is based on the excellent performance of the criminal serving his sentence and shortens the execution period of the penalty. The punishment of criminals according to law is the inevitable requirement of deterring crime, protecting the people and supporting justice. Modern punishment, punishment is not the main purpose, and educational transformation is becoming more and more important. Whether the execution of penalty can be carried out scientifically and accurately is directly related to the practice and effect of criminal legislation and judicial activities in front of it, and also related to whether the purpose of penalty can be achieved in the end. In the execution of penalty, the commutation system is one of the core systems of the penalty system, and it is also the most widely applied penalty execution system. Therefore, the implementation of commutation system is of great significance to the execution of penalty. In accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law and the Code of Criminal procedure, as the organ unit of the State for the enforcement of penalties, the prison is responsible for the correct and scientific exercise of the right to execute penalties, the reduction, prevention of crimes and the reform of criminals serving sentences, Its core work is the execution of penalty. It is the most important task for criminals to commute their sentences in the execution of sentences. Therefore, the execution of penalty responsibility in prison is of great significance, it is very important and indispensable to maintain social stability and harmony, maintain supervision security and so on. With the further accelerated transformation of society, all kinds of new contradictions and new situations are becoming more and more prominent, and more new problems of penalty reduction have been put on the agenda and need to be dealt with urgently. Our country has not paid enough attention to the system of commutation for a long time, which leads to the serious lag of the relevant legal basis, the impossibility of the substantive conditions of the reduction of penalty, the incoordination between some penalty system and the execution system, and the loose starting time and interval of the reduction of penalty. There are many legal loopholes and gaps in the system of commutation of sentences, such as the system of non-cancellation of sentences, the excessive reduction of sentences by special criminals, the insufficient quantification of the assessment standards of commutation conditions, and the lack of effective supervision of commutation procedures, which leads to the existence of many legal loopholes and system gaps in the work of commuting sentences of prisoners. For example, the lack of unified standards for commutation of sentences, the inconsistency of administrative rewards, the ambiguity of administrative reward standards, the imbalance of the scoring and assessment system, the intransparency of criminal posts, and the artificial setting of the proportion of commutation of sentences all hinder the realization of the purpose of the commuting system in our country. It seriously weakens the punitive significance of penalty discretion. The following is based on the author's working practice, analyzes and excavates all kinds of problems encountered and existing in the process of law enforcement, starting from the problems existing in the prison implementation of the system of commuting sentences, with emphasis on strict limits of reduction of sentences. This paper perfects the legal procedure of sentence reduction and the legal system of prison execution reduction system, probes into the basic work of perfecting the prison penalty reduction system in an all-round way, and only scientifically and fairly evaluates the performance of criminals in serving their sentences from the source. Only by combining the punishment and reward of the commutation system in the legal procedure and legal effect can we promote the scientific development of penalty enforcement activities and realize judicial justice only by doing a good job of commuting punishment legally and reasonably. Social equity.


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