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发布时间:2019-06-03 07:30
【摘要】:被害人参与量刑,就是在量刑中考虑被害人因素,尊重被害人的刑事审判程序的诉讼地位。目前,我国的刑法中对刑事被害人赋予了一些权利的保障,但是因为我国实行定罪与量刑的一体化审判方式,,在这种模式下被害人被排除在量刑程序之外,被害人的法定权利在向实有权利转化中就变得不那么彻底。 那么对刑事被告人的量刑,被害人是否是影响因素之一,影响的程度如何?被害人私人理念和司法追求的公共理性又该如何有效平衡?大量现实存在的被害人过错和被害人谅解减轻刑事被害人刑罚的司法个人鲜活的表明,被害人参与量刑有着艰实的司法实践土壤,如何规范和构建符合中国刑事司法实践的被害人量刑参与机制是当务之急,以保障群众在每一个司法案件中都能感受到公平正义。基于这种认识,本文试图从保障被害人权利的角度出发,以被害人参与量刑为主线,提出了被害人参与量刑的必要性、影响因素、制度构建等。
[Abstract]:The victim's participation in sentencing is to consider the victim's factors in sentencing and respect the litigation status of the victim's criminal trial procedure. At present, the criminal law of our country has given some rights to the criminal victim, but because of the integrated trial mode of conviction and sentencing in our country, the victim is excluded from the sentencing procedure under this mode. The legal rights of victims become less thorough in the transformation to real rights. So the sentencing of the criminal defendant, the victim is one of the influencing factors, what is the extent of the impact? How to balance the public rationality between the victim's private idea and the judicial pursuit? A large number of real victims' faults and the judicial individuals who understand and lighten the penalty of criminal victims show that the participation of victims in sentencing has a difficult soil of judicial practice. How to standardize and construct the victim sentencing participation mechanism in line with the practice of criminal justice in China is an urgent task in order to ensure that the masses can feel fairness and justice in every judicial case. Based on this understanding, this paper attempts to take the victim's participation in sentencing as the main line from the point of view of protecting the rights of victims, and puts forward the necessity, influencing factors and system construction of victim participation in sentencing.


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