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发布时间:2019-06-03 21:17
[Abstract]:Because of the importance of the party's statement in the sense of proof, the Civil procedure Law of our country has been introduced into the legal text as the form of legal evidence, but as a form of legal evidence, The party statement has not been fully affirmed and used in practice. Until the implementation of the Judicial interpretation of the Civil procedure Law in 2015, the procedural requirements for the parties to take the oath and sign the guarantee in accordance with the principle of good faith in their statements have been increased. Although its stipulation makes up for the deficiency of the party statement in the procedure to a certain extent, it does not really solve the blank in the setting of the specific connotation, proof value, evidence status and other related institutional factors. This paper breaks through the tradition of judicial application of the party's statement as the form of evidence, and tries to be guided by the pattern of communication law from a single perspective. Combining the negotiation theory of western Habermas with the statements of the parties in the procedural law department of our country, the traditional litigation is regarded as a process of the integration of facts and normative speech. Among them, as the basic form of litigation behavior, party statement is the most important speech activity in litigation. In addition to the preface, the full text is divided into four parts to discuss the party statement system. The first part is an overview of the party statement system. Through the definition of the concept of party statement, we can better understand the nature, characteristics and functions of the party statement. The second part is the analysis of the problems existing in the statement of the parties and their causes. Through the analysis of the problems and causes of the party statement in legislation and judicial practice, this paper provides the premise for perfecting the theoretical basis of the party statement system below. The third part tries to perfect the theoretical basis of the party statement system through Habermas' negotiation theory and civil litigation communication theory. Among them, the Habermas negotiation theory and the civil litigation communication theory provide a profound theoretical foundation for the party to state the negotiation theory system in our country. The fourth part is the design of the specific path to improve the party statement system. Under the guidance of the principles of authenticity, legitimacy and sincerity, we should grasp the development direction of the parties' statements, distinguish the system of asking and listening to the parties, establish the procedural rules of the parties to inquire, and perfect the system of listening to the statements of the parties. Perfecting the restriction mechanism of the party statement and perfecting the related supporting system of the party statement to design the party statement system concretely, so as to realize the procedural legalization and rationalization of the litigation mode. And then promote the in-depth development and research of the theory and practice of the paradigm of the rule of law in contemporary China.


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