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发布时间:2019-06-14 13:25
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern science and technology, audio-visual materials, as an indispensable and important role of evidence, appear in the civil trial, but the legality of the evidence of privately recorded audio-visual materials has been widely discussed in the theoretical and practical circles. In this regard, different countries in the world have taken different measures. Some countries adjust the rules of evidence admission of audio-visual materials by amending the original relevant laws, while others adjust the corresponding rules of judgment by formulating new rules of adoption. According to the current legislative situation in the world, the recognition of audio-visual materials is a common practice in most countries. However, the Civil procedure Law of our country regards audio-visual materials as an independent type of evidence, which is unique compared with the practices of all countries in the world. At the same time, with the continuous development of science and technology, the application and production of audio and video materials are becoming more and more popular in practice, and the emergence of private audio-visual materials in the field of civil litigation is becoming more and more common. It has become a trend of choice for the parties to submit audio-visual materials as evidence to the court. According to the relevant laws related to the private recording of audio-visual materials, the judicial interpretation of the three supreme laws puts forward different levels and different standards for how to examine the legality of the evidence of privately recorded audio-visual materials, and at the same time presents the defects of the system and the inconsistency of the evaluation criteria in different degrees. However, with the rapid development of science and technology, the application of privately recorded audio-visual materials in the field of civil litigation is becoming more and more extensive. The current legislative provisions obviously can not adapt to the difficulties faced by the judgment of the legality of privately recorded audio-visual materials in the field of judicial practice. Therefore, we urgently need to improve the relevant legislative provisions, clarify the legality of evidence for privately recorded audio-visual materials, and define the rules of evidentiary ability of privately recorded audio-visual materials. In order to realize the justice of law and the norms of law. This paper is based on the defects of different theoretical and institutional bases of privately recorded audio-visual materials in the field of civil litigation in our country and the examination predicament faced in judicial practice, and makes a scientific classification of privately recorded audio-visual materials on the basis of the real cases of a certain court. On the basis of drawing lessons from and absorbing the experience of some foreign countries and regions, this paper probes into the development and changes of the system of recording audio-visual materials privately in the field of civil litigation in our country, analyzes the value orientation behind the choice of the system from "narrow" to "wide", and probes into the spatial malpractice caused by the broad interpretation, in order to perfect the relevant theoretical and institutional basis of the private recording of audio-visual materials. Based on the real cases, this paper puts forward some feasible suggestions for perfecting the system, concrete the provisions of principle and analyzing and classifying some special provisions, so as to realize the unity and standardization in judicial practice. The author hopes that through the above discussion and analysis, the trial standard of the legality of the evidence for the private recording of audio-visual materials in the field of civil litigation can be standardized, and contribute a meagre force to the theoretical improvement of the civil litigation system and the progress of the law in our country.


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