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发布时间:2019-06-15 06:24
【摘要】:应诉管辖,是指无管辖权的法院受理了原告的起诉后,被告未在答辩期内提出管辖权异议且应诉答辩的,则该受诉法院对该案享有管辖权。2012年民事诉讼法修正案通过了国内民事诉讼应诉管辖制度,实为民事诉讼立法上的一大进步。应诉管辖制度不仅是当事人管辖意定性的重要体现,而且是法定性的延伸。但不可否认的是,由于我国应诉管辖制度存在的固有缺陷以及立法上的缺陷,导致应诉管辖制度的立法价值的实现受到限制。我国若能在深入、细致地研究应诉管辖理论的基础上,充分借鉴吸收域外相关制度的精髓,从而完善相关立法,那么不仅能够充分发挥该制度的立法价值,而且能够充分体现当事的程序主体性价值,,从而在民事诉讼改革道路上迈出一大步。 本论文除前言、结语外,共有四章,均紧紧围绕应诉管辖的理论研究以及最终如何完善该制度这一大主题展开,各部分主要内容如下: 前言:概述应诉管辖制度,简要交代本文的写作背景与写作要点。 第一章:对应诉管辖的基本理论做出较为全面的分析。包括概念辨析、性质界定、立法机理及立法价值等内容。 第二章:对我国应诉管辖的立法沿革做出深入分析与检讨。 第三章:对域外应诉管辖制度的立法例进行比较与借鉴,主要选取大陆法系国家和地区中的德、日及我国台湾地区与英美法系国家中的英国和美国的立法例作为比较借鉴的对象,从比较法的角度深入探寻完善我国应诉管辖制度之路。 第四章:论述了如何具体完善我国应诉管辖制度。 结语:主要概括本文探讨的内容并指出文章的不足之处。
[Abstract]:Jurisdiction in response to action means that if the court without jurisdiction accepts the prosecution of the plaintiff and the defendant fails to raise the objection of jurisdiction and answer the case within the period of reply, the court has jurisdiction over the case. The amendment of the Civil procedure Law in 2012 passed the jurisdiction system of the domestic civil procedure law, which is a great progress in the legislation of civil litigation. The jurisdiction system of responding to action is not only an important embodiment of the determination of the jurisdiction of the parties, but also an extension of the legality. However, it is undeniable that the realization of the legislative value of the response jurisdiction system is limited because of the inherent defects and legislative defects of the response jurisdiction system in our country. If our country can fully draw lessons from the essence of the foreign related system and perfect the relevant legislation on the basis of deeply and meticulously studying the theory of responding jurisdiction, then we can not only give full play to the legislative value of the system, but also fully reflect the value of the procedural subjectivity of the parties, thus taking a big step on the road of civil litigation reform. In addition to the preface and conclusion, there are four chapters, all of which focus on the theoretical research of response jurisdiction and how to perfect the system. The main contents of each part are as follows: foreword: summarize the system of response jurisdiction, and briefly explain the writing background and main points of this paper. The first chapter: make a more comprehensive analysis of the basic theory of response jurisdiction. Including concept discrimination, nature definition, legislative mechanism and legislative value and so on. The second chapter: to make an in-depth analysis and review of the legislative evolution of the jurisdiction of response to action in our country. The third chapter: compare and draw lessons from the legislative examples of the jurisdiction system of foreign response, mainly select the legislative examples of Germany, Japan and the United States in Taiwan and common law countries as the object of reference, and explore the way to perfect the jurisdiction system of response in China from the point of view of comparative law. The fourth chapter discusses how to improve the jurisdiction system of responding to complaints in our country. Conclusion: this paper mainly summarizes the content of this paper and points out the shortcomings of the article.


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