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发布时间:2019-06-18 08:56
【摘要】:辩诉交易是指控方与辩方就是否达成有罪诉讼而进行的司法交易。辩诉交易起源于19世纪的美国,经过近两个世纪的发展和传播,目前在许多国家作为提高司法效率、缩短诉讼期限的有力手段,发挥着巨大的法律作用。辩诉交易已经成为一项广泛适用的司法实践制度,它的实行能够体现法律的正义、效率和民主的特点,缓解司法资源匮乏的现状。 辩诉交易作为一种效率优先、兼顾公平的诉讼制度,对于我国的刑事诉讼有着重要的借鉴意义。我国虽然尚未引入辩诉交易制度,但在现行的司法体系以及司法格局上,已表现出对辩诉交易制度的需求。我国有引进辩诉交易的必要性,可以通过辩诉交易提高诉讼效率,减轻目前积案的情况,有利于对被害人的权益保护,合理的运用辩诉交易也可以减少刑讯逼供和超期羁押的情况,保障被告人利益,鼓励被告人认罪,进而弥补简易司法流程的不足。经过近些年来中国社会经济和文化的发展,以及在刑事诉讼上对英美法系的当事人体系的借鉴,已经逐渐具有了移植辩诉交易制度的思想、文化以及制度基础。实用主义在中国的不断深入奠定了思想基础;契约文化在中国的持续发展奠定了文化基础;当事人主义诉讼结构的引入奠定了制度基础;刑事和解的司法实践奠定了实践基础。 中国式辩诉交易应当在吸收传统辩诉交易制度优势的基础上,基于本国国情进行发展和改良。中国式辩诉交易应当确立起被告人自愿明知、被害人同意、有限适度、法院审查和交易公开的原则。中国式辩诉交易制度的具体设计,应在交易的主体、范围、内容、程序、效力方面立足本土文化,从而保证辩诉交易在我国司法实践中能够发挥其应有作用。此外,我国在诉讼制度上对于辩诉交易的引入仍然存在着缺失,在引入辩诉交易之前,还应建立庭前控辩双方证据展示制度、完善律师辩护制度、确立被告人沉默权制度、扩大检察官起诉裁量权和完善检察官量刑建议权。 论文通过对辩诉交易制度的概述,来分析我国引进该制度的必要性与可行性,,并探讨该项制度如何在我国具体建构。论文的重点在于,从中国现实国情出发,对国外辩诉交易的制度设计及其价值进行研究,探讨中国式辩诉交易制度的具体建构。
[Abstract]:The plea bargain is a judicial transaction between the author and the defence on whether to reach a conviction. The plea bargaining originated in the United States of the 19th century. After the development and spread of the last two centuries, it has played a great legal role in many countries as a powerful means to improve the judicial efficiency and shorten the duration of the litigation. The plea bargain has become a widely applicable system of judicial practice, which can reflect the justice, efficiency and democracy of the law, and alleviate the current situation of the lack of judicial resources. As a kind of efficiency priority, plea bargaining has an important reference to the criminal procedure in our country. I have not introduced the plea bargaining system, but in the present judicial system and the judicial pattern, it has demonstrated the need for plea bargaining system. In order to protect the rights and interests of the victims, the reasonable application of the plea bargain can also reduce the conditions of the confession and the over-period custody of the victims and guarantee the defendant's interest. It is beneficial to encourage the accused to plead guilty and to make up for the lack of the simple judicial process In recent years, the development of Chinese social economy and culture, as well as the reference to the system of the parties in common law system in the criminal procedure, has gradually been the thought, culture and system base of the system of plea bargaining. In China, pragmatism has laid the foundation of the thought, and the contract culture has laid a foundation for the continuous development of China. The introduction of the litigant structure of the litigant lays the foundation for the system. The judicial practice of the criminal reconciliation has laid the foundation of practice. The Chinese-style plea deal should be developed based on the advantages of the traditional plea bargaining system and on the basis of the national conditions. And improve. The Chinese-style plea deal should establish the defendant's voluntary knowledge, the victim's consent, the limited and moderate, the court's review and the transaction. The specific design of the Chinese-style plea bargaining system should be based on the local culture in the subject, scope, content, procedure and effect of the transaction, so as to ensure that the plea bargaining can play its part in the judicial practice of our country. In addition, there is still a deficiency in the introduction of the plea bargaining system in the litigation system. Before the introduction of the plea deal, the evidence display system of the two parties before the court should be established, the defense system of the lawyer should be improved, and the defendant's silence should be established. The right system, the extension of the prosecutor's discretion and the perfection of the prosecutor's sentencing The paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of introducing the system through the introduction of the system of plea bargaining, and discusses how the system works in me. The main point of this paper is to study the system design and its value of the foreign plea deal from the situation of China's reality, and to explore the system of Chinese-style plea bargaining.


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