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发布时间:2019-06-19 02:47
[Abstract]:The basic law regulating the activities of criminal proceedings is the Code of Criminal procedure. Since the formulation of the Criminal procedure Law in 1979 and the great revision in 1996, the allocation of procedures, functions and powers and systems in the Criminal procedure Law has been in line with the needs of practical work in a certain period of time. However, with the changes of domestic and international judicial environment, as well as the vigorous development of our own society, economy, culture and so on, the Criminal procedure Law must be revised and updated to a certain extent in the new historical stage. On March 14, 2012, the fifth session of the Eleventh National people's Congress made great changes and updates to the Criminal procedure Law. From the perspective of law, this paper adopts the research method of combining theoretical discussion with practical case analysis, expounds the challenges faced by the law enforcement of public security criminal investigation after the revision of the new Criminal procedure Law, and puts forward some relevant suggestions according to the defects found in the actual law enforcement work. The full text is composed of three parts: the first part, an overview. First of all, this paper briefly expounds the significance of the new Criminal procedure Law to the work of public security criminal investigation, introduces the revision course of the Criminal procedure Law, and expounds the promoting function and existing significance of the revision of the Criminal procedure Law to the process of social legal system in our country. Secondly, it introduces the new Criminal procedure Law, the newly revised provisions on the procedure of handling cases by Public Security organs and the new provisions of the Supreme people's Court on the Application of the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China on the work of public security criminal investigation, including the principle of respecting and protecting human rights, the establishment of exclusionary rules of illegal evidence, the principle of opposing self-incrimination, the change of the concept of evidence and the form of evidence, and so on. The second part is the challenge posed by the revision of the Criminal procedure Law to the work of public security criminal investigation. Starting from the newly revised Criminal procedure Law, based on the basic national conditions and stage characteristics of our country, this part analyzes the new tasks and challenges faced by the public security criminal investigation work under the background of the revision of the Criminal procedure Law from five aspects: "respecting and protecting human rights", perfecting the defense system, reforming compulsory measures, perfecting investigation measures and revising the evidence system. The third part is the countermeasures of public security criminal investigation to meet the challenge of the new Criminal procedure Law. The author answers the questions put forward in the second part and puts forward some suggestions and suggestions for the next work. The details include: changing ideas, strengthening the consciousness of confrontation in criminal litigation; changing the mode of handling cases and improving the overall combat effectiveness of investigation and solving cases; giving full play to technical guidance and investigation to provide scientific and technological support for investigation and evidence collection; attaching importance to the construction of troops and cultivating more professional and technical personnel; strengthening actual combat training and improving the quality of law enforcement work, so as to actively cope with the new tasks and challenges brought about by the revision of the new Criminal procedure Law.


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