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发布时间:2019-06-20 19:57
【摘要】:从目前的司法实践来看,认罪案件的办理已经成为我国刑事司法活动的重要组成部分。尽管有关认罪的法律条文不在少数,但内容大同小异,实践中仍存在许多问题亟待解决。认罪的概念、功能等许多重要内容都没有得到法律法规的明确规范,导致认罪案件的办理缺乏统一性和系统性。因此本文以认罪的内涵和外延为切入点,对认罪进行了一个层次性地划分,并对其所具有的功能进行了系统剖析,,在此基础上分析了实践中影响认罪功能发挥的因素,并提出了相应的解决办法。期望通过本文的研究,能够为实践中更好地认识认罪,更好地办理认罪案件提供思路。 本文除引言外,正文共分为四个部分,约三万字。 第一部分研究了认罪的概念及其层次属性。结合法律文本的现有规定,吸收理论研究的已有成果,我们可以看出,所谓认罪,是指犯罪嫌疑人、被告人对涉嫌或被指控的犯罪事实之构成要件事实、指控事实违法性、有责性的承认。认罪的主体,既包括犯罪嫌疑人,也包括被告人。认罪的内容,则是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人涉嫌或者被指控的犯罪事实,而且犯罪嫌疑人、被告人对“罪名”、“量刑”等方面的异议不影响认罪的成立。根据认罪的具体内容,我们可以把认罪由低到高分为四个层次。最低层次是对涉嫌或被指控的部分要件事实的承认。第二个层次是对涉嫌或被指控的全部构成要件事实的承认。第三个层次是对涉嫌或被指控事实的违法性的承认。最高层次是对涉嫌或被指控事实的有责性的承认。 第二部分从认罪的层次这个角度出发,对各层次的认罪所具有的程序推进功能进行了分析。“对部分要件事实的承认”可以为案件的进一步侦查提供线索,引发侦查行为的实施,有时也能推动强制措施的采取和变更;“对构成要件事实的承认”可以推动侦查的终结、检察机关作出快速处理轻微刑事案件的决定、附条件不起诉决定、简易程序及普通程序简化审程序的适用、影响二审审理方式的采取等;“对指控事实违法性的承认”主要可以推动刑事和解的作出;“对指控事实有责性的承认”主要在自诉案件中推动审判程序的进行及其判决的作出。 第三部分分析了实践中影响认罪程序推进功能的因素。这些因素可以概括为三个方面:首先是立法上的缺陷。包括对认罪界定不明确,标准不统一、缺乏认罪自愿性与真实性的保障条款、以及缺乏独立的认罪答辩程序。其次是执法人员理念上的不足。包括重实体轻程序的司法理念、重形式轻实质的处理方式、重庭审轻庭外的司法陋习。最后是机制上的不足。包括认罪巩固机制的缺失、侦查讯问机制落实不足和快速处理机制不够完善三个方面。立法和机制上的不足在规范层面上制约了执法人员办理认罪案件的统一性和有效性,在出台新的法律法规或者作出大的修改之前,难以完全克服。观念上的障碍是许多办案人员或者某个办案系统在多年刑事案件办理过程中积累而成的司法理念,短期之内也难以有效改变。在这两个方面原因的共同影响下,认罪在实践中并没有充分发挥其所具有的的程序推进功能。 第四部分针对前文提出的问题提出了一些针对性的改进措施。在立法方面,由于2012年《刑事诉讼法》刚刚实施不久,不可能在短期之内修改法律,针对规范上的不足应当主要从现有的法律条文中寻找有益于发挥认罪功能的条款并充分落实,辅之以内部实施细则的贯彻来解决问题。如律师帮助条款、法律援助条款、告知程序等都在现行法中都有所体现,但其落实情况不容乐观。如果充分贯彻落实这些规范内容,将有助于减少法律规范上的缺陷所带来的不足。此外,还可以在某个系统内部或者某个地区制定一定范围内的实施规则,统一认罪的认定标准等问题,从低效力的文件出发,逐步建立统一的认罪案件办理规范。对机制方面的不足,需要对症下药,包括建立认罪巩固机制、落实侦查讯问机制、完善快速处理机制等。在观念方面,应当要求公安司法机关的工作人员在认罪案件的办理中注重程序上的功能,把握认罪的实质,加强对庭外功能的重视等,逐渐改变原有的不良理念。
[Abstract]:From the current judicial practice, the handling of the case of the confession has become an important part of the criminal justice activities in our country. Although the legal provisions on confession are not a few, there are still many problems to be solved in practice. Many important contents, such as the concept and function of the confession, have not been clearly regulated by the laws and regulations, resulting in the lack of unity and systematicness of the handling of the case. Therefore, this paper makes a hierarchical division of the guilty plea and the function of the confession, and analyzes the factors that influence the function of the confession in practice, and puts forward the corresponding solution. It is expected that through the research of this paper, we can better understand the guilty plea in practice and provide a better way to handle the case. In addition to the introduction, the text is divided into four parts, about thirty thousand. The first part of the study of the concept of guilt and its level Sub-attribute. In combination with the existing provisions of the legal text and the existing results of the theoretical study, we can see that the so-called admission of guilt means the fact that the criminal suspect, the accused is in the form of the facts of the alleged or alleged crime, and is accused of the illegality of the facts and the accountability. The main body of a confession, both a criminal suspect and a criminal suspect. The defendant. The contents of the confession are the facts of the criminal suspect, the defendant's suspected or alleged crime, and the criminal suspect, the defendant's objection to the "charge", the "sentencing" and the like does not affect the confession. Based on the specific content of the confession, we can divide the plea from low to four. a hierarchy. The lowest level is the fact that some of the elements of the alleged or alleged part The second level is the fact that all of the elements of the alleged or alleged element The third level is the illegality of the alleged or alleged facts. The highest level is the accountability of the alleged or alleged facts. The second part, from the point of view of the confession, has advanced the function of the process of the guilty plea at all levels. An analysis is made. The "the recognition of the fact of some of the elements" can provide a clue for the further investigation of the case, the implementation of the investigation behavior, and sometimes the adoption and change of the coercive measures; the "the recognition of the fact of the constituent elements" can promote the end of the investigation, and the procuratorial organ shall make a decision on the rapid handling of the minor criminal cases, and the conditions of attachment The non-prosecution decision, the summary procedure and the ordinary procedure simplify the application of the trial procedure and affect the adoption of the second instance; the "Recognition of the illegality of the alleged facts" can mainly promote the making of the criminal reconciliation; and the "Recognition of the accountability of the facts of the charge" mainly promotes the conduct of the trial procedure in the case of self-prosecution. The decision is made. The third part analyses the procedure that affects the admission of a confession. The factors that advance the function. These factors can be summarized in three ways: first It is a flaw in legislation. It includes the lack of clarity of the definition of the confession, the non-uniformity of the standards, the lack of a guarantee clause of the voluntary and the authenticity of the confession, and the lack of independence. A plea of defense. The second is the law enforcement. The deficiency in the concept of the man. It includes the judicial idea of the light procedure of the heavy entity, the way of the heavy form and the substance, the heavy court hearing is light, An out-of-court system of justice. The mechanism of investigation and interrogation is insufficient and the mechanism of rapid processing is not The inadequacy of the legislation and the mechanism, at the normative level, has restricted the unity and the effectiveness of the law enforcement personnel to handle the case, before the introduction of new laws and regulations or making major changes It is difficult to completely overcome it. The obstacle in the concept is the judicial idea that many case-handling personnel or a case-handling system has accumulated in the process of multi-year criminal cases, and it is within the short term It is also difficult to change effectively. Under the common influence of the two reasons, the confession in practice does not give full play to what it has. The fourth part puts forward one for the above-mentioned problems. Some of the targeted improvements. In the area of legislation, since the 2012 Code of Criminal Procedure has just been implemented, it is not possible to modify the law in the short term, and that the shortcomings in the specification should be found primarily in the existing legal provisions for the purpose of playing a confession. The provision of energy and its full implementation, complemented by internal implementation the implementation of the legal aid clause, the legal aid clause, the notification procedure, etc. are all reflected in the current law, but The implementation of these norms is not optimistic. If the content of these norms is fully implemented, it will contribute to the reduction of legal norms In addition, it is also possible to establish an implementation rule within a certain system, within a certain area, to unify the identification standards of the guilty plea, etc., and to gradually establish the unity from the low-effect document. The standard of the case handling of the guilty plea. The lack of the mechanism and the need for the drug, including the establishment of a confession-strengthening mechanism, the implementation of the investigation and interrogation mechanism, In the aspect of the concept, the staff of the public security judiciary should be required to pay attention to the function of the procedure in the handling of the case, to grasp the essence of the confession, to strengthen the attention of the out-of-court function, etc.


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