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发布时间:2019-06-21 17:42
[Abstract]:Now the society is going through the transformation from the relief mode after the event to the relief mode in advance. The first execution system emerges as the times require in this kind of transformation, its purpose is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, and pay attention to timely and effective protection. At the same time, the effective implementation of the system will curb the implementation of difficult problems. However, from the practice of our country, the system of first enforcement has not been very implemented, and even the utilization rate of some district courts is less than 1%. Part of the reason is that the citizens of our country do not understand this system, even if they meet the conditions of the first execution system, they do not know the system, let alone apply for first enforcement. Part of the reason is that the theoretical circle of our country lacks the enthusiasm to study the system, which leads to the neglect of the system of prior execution by the academic circles. Of course, the root of the problem is that the law of our country is not perfect in the system of first execution, which leads to a series of problems in the nature and legislative orientation of the system of first execution. In the developed countries with legal system at the same time, different from our country, they have made provisions in accordance with the national conditions in terms of legislative orientation and nature, and have also made detailed provisions in terms of specific systems. Therefore, in these countries, the system has been well implemented. On the basis of drawing lessons from other developed countries, this paper first defines the system of first execution from the nature, that is, the system of first execution is a special preservation procedure, because it is a kind of procedure, so it contains all the links in the lawsuit, not the system. Next, the legislative orientation of the preemptive enforcement system is carried out. The preemptive enforcement system in our country lies in the timely and effective protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. Different from the previous only focus on "timely", "effective" should also be included to achieve timely and effective consideration. In the specific system design, there are also many problems in the system of first execution in our country, such as the scope of the system is too narrow, the conditions are too strict, the procedures of the system are too rudimentary, in addition, the system of first enforcement has not made specific provisions on the issue of guarantee, and the system of first execution is also lack of reasonable relief measures. In view of the above problems, this paper designs the regulations suitable for the national conditions of our country by studying the similar relevant systems in the developed countries. The scope of the prior execution system has been redefined, that is, "because of the urgent harm in reality, it may cause irreparable damage to the parties, and there are all the necessary cases to temporarily realize the litigant's claim". The conditions for the application of the pre-emptive enforcement system are lenient, and two conditions are met. (1) the applicant needs to prove that the rights to be realized do exist. (2) the applicant has the necessity of applying for first enforcement. In the trial procedure, the tendency of "case-based" should be suppressed and the possibility of regulating the closure of the case should be increased if the specific conditions are met. On the issue of security, this paper discusses two situations, namely, the provision of security and the non-provision of security. This paper also makes detailed provisions on how to obtain compensation and the amount of compensation when the prior execution system is wrong.


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