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发布时间:2019-06-22 10:46
[Abstract]:The testimony of a witness refers to a statement made by a witness to the court in relation to the facts of the case. As a traditional and important type of evidence, the testimony of the witness is one of the most widely used types of evidence in the civil action of all countries. however, because that relevant norms of the witness's testimony system in the present law of our country are not sound, and the lack of a good social environment, there are many practical problems in the judicial practice of our country, The practicability of this type of evidence can not be exerted to a great extent, which is not conducive to the construction of the judicial system in our country, which has a certain influence on the judicial justice and the construction of the harmonious rule of law society in a certain degree. In the first chapter, the legal value of the witness's testimony and the present situation of our country's legislation are briefly described. The second chapter discusses the defects of the witness's testimony system in China. The lack of social environment, the qualification of the witness in the current law, the inquiry of the testimony, the guarantee of the witness and the responsibility of the witness, etc. The third chapter makes a comparative study of the testimony system of witness in other countries, including the common law system and the continental law system, and makes a summary of the qualification of the witness, the question pattern of the witness, the rights and the obligation of the witness, etc. The fourth chapter starts with the reference of the former system defect and the foreign system, starting from the system concept, the witness status, the witness qualification, the testimony challenge, the witness protection and the witness's responsibility. Some reasonable suggestions are put forward to improve the witness's testimony system in our country. The aim is to look forward to the improvement of the relevant system of our country.


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