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发布时间:2019-06-24 15:01
[Abstract]:The civil execution relief system can be divided into the entity execution relief system and the procedural execution relief system, the action of the debtor to implement the objection is the key in the entity execution relief system, and the entity relief system is an integral part of the civil implementation relief system, It can be seen that the action of the debtor's execution objection is a very important component in the civil implementation of the relief system. After the two amendments of the Civil Procedure Law in 2007 and 2012, the system of the complaint of the implementation of the objection has been established and perfected in our country's legislation, but the imperfect of its subordinate procedure, such as the loss of the debtor's complaint of the execution of the objection, makes the system of the case of the objection to the execution of the objection to be slightly incomplete. It's a big deal. In the case of the debtor's equal treatment of the creditor and the debtor in the executive proceedings, the principle of "Everyone is equal before the law" can be realized, and the debtor's entity's rights and interests can be protected by giving the debtor the right to enforce the right. The establishment of the challenge of the debtor's execution also helps to further alleviate the stubborn problems related to the implementation of the "Difficult to execute" and the "to carry out a mess" in the current judicial practice in China, provide a formal settlement channel for the debtor's reasonable demands in the implementation, and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the creditor and the debtor, It is beneficial to balance the interests of the parties and maintain the long-term stability of the society. This paper is mainly composed of four parts. The first part is an overview of the system of the debtor's objection to the implementation of the objection, and provides an overview of the description of the concept of the claim and the characteristics of the debtor's action to implement the objection. And the concept of the execution objection, the case of an outsider to execute the objection, and the like is distinguished. The second part is to analyze the defects of the existing relief system in our country through the present situation of the current implementation of the relief legislation in our country. To explore the reason why the debtor of our country is missing the challenge. In this paper, the theory and practical significance of the lawsuit of the debtor's enforcement of the objection are set forth in detail. The third part mainly studies the nature and procedure of the action of the debtor. Through the analysis of the mainstream theory of the nature of the lawsuit in the academic circle, the author further analyzes the nature and procedure of the challenge of the debtor in our country. The fourth part is the idea of the procedure structure of the lawsuit against the debtor. With reference to the foreign legislative and practical experience, on the basis of our country's practice, it is necessary to construct the lawsuit procedure of the debtor that is suitable for the situation of our country.


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