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发布时间:2019-06-28 15:02
[Abstract]:Today, with the rapid development of network science and technology, people continue to express their attention to judicial activities such as case investigation, judicial trial, execution effect and so on through Weibo, blog, post bar and so on. With the enhancement of civic awareness, the discussion limited to the community field has been extended to the judicial field, which is not only the progress of social democracy, but also the worry of democratic society. The network public opinion based on the network is the obstacle to the fair trial of criminal justice, or is it the sunshine of supervising the transparent trial of criminal justice, the right of citizens to freedom of expression, the supervision power of news media and the right of judicial independence? Based on the value analysis of the above questions, it will be the theoretical basis for criminal justice to respond to network public opinion. Through the analysis of a series of typical cases, it can be found that in the recent criminal trial, some courts responded positively to the public through advanced technology and received good social effects of the trial, while some cases increased the public's curiosity about the truth because of the shortcomings of the parties, but increased the public's curiosity about the truth, resulting in rumors that even a fair trial would be questioned. Therefore, there is no doubt that the criminal justice should respond positively to the network public opinion, but it should be treated differently. The negative and extreme network public opinion will be circumvented in the process of constructing the response, while reporting that the unjustified network public opinion is a favorable guide to the promotion of the response mode. To build the communication bridge between the public and the judiciary, we should improve the response mode according to the different subjects, so as to receive the two-way effect of the public convincing trial and the fair decision of the trial.


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