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发布时间:2019-06-28 09:56
【摘要】: 补强证据规则是证据制度中的一项重要规则。民事诉讼补强证据规则属于法定证据制度范畴,是自由心证的例外;是从证明力的角度对证据运用加以限制;其不仅是数量规则更是质量规则;补强证据的证明对象应当与被补强证据具有一定程度的重叠。民事诉讼补强证据规则的法理依据包括:证据裁判原则;限制法官的自由裁量权以及民事诉讼补强证据规则与民事诉讼中的真实的关系。 两大法系的民事诉讼补强证据规则的立法和理论研究没有刑事诉讼补强证据规则那样成体系,主要是对文书证据的补强证据规则规定,对两大法系刑事诉讼中的法官强制提醒程序,补强证据规则的补强程度以及证明标准在补强证据规则中的运用进行了分析,指出民事诉讼中这些制度的运用。 尽管我国补强证据规则有了一些比较明细的规定,但仍然存在诸多问题:法律规定缺乏系统性,在立法形式上,法典与司法解释并存,立法前后存在矛盾;补强证据、间接证据与补助证据相混淆;当事人陈述作为被补强证据的范围规定不清;欠缺调查程序保障。这些缺陷的存在,不利于补强证据规则在诉讼活动中真正发挥作用。 我国民事诉讼补强证据规则的完善,包括完善之必要性与具体构想。我国民事诉讼补强证据规则有其存在的现实必要性。完善的具体构想包括:加强立法的集中,提高立法的层次性;明确区分补强证据、间接证据与补助证据;明确当事人陈述被补强的范围;细化补强证据规则的程序保障,明确关于补强程度的规定;同时提出其他应适用补强证据规则的情形及对完善相应的配套机制提出几点意见。
[Abstract]:The evidence system is an important rule in the evidence system. The rule of reinforcement of civil action belongs to the category of the legal evidence system, which is the exception of the free-heart syndrome; it is the limitation of the application of the evidence from the angle of the proof force; it is not only the quantitative rule but also the quality rule; the proof object of the reinforcement evidence should have a certain degree of overlap with the evidence to be strengthened. The legal basis of the rules of evidence for the strengthening of civil litigation includes the principle of evidence referees, the limitation of the discretion of the judge and the real relationship between the evidence of the reinforcement of the civil action and the civil action. The legislative and theoretical study of the evidence of the reinforcement of civil action in the two legal systems is not as the system as the evidence of the evidence of the strengthening of the criminal procedure, which is mainly the rule of the evidence of the strengthening of the evidence of the instrument. This paper analyzes the strengthening of the awake procedure, the strengthening of the evidence of reinforcement and the application of the proof standard in the evidence of reinforcement, and points out these systems in the civil action The application of the rules of strengthening evidence in our country still has many problems: the lack of systematicness of the legal provisions, the co-existence of the code and the judicial interpretation in the form of legislation, the existence of contradictions before and after the legislation, the strengthening of the evidence and the indirect evidence, to be confused with the evidence of the grant; the party's statement is not clear as to the scope of the evidence to be reinforced; the understatement The existence of these defects is not conducive to the strengthening of the evidence of evidence in the litigation. The perfection of the evidence of the strengthening of the evidence of the strengthening of the civil litigation in our country, including the following: The necessity and the concrete conception of perfection. Evidence rules for the reinforcement of civil action in our country There are the real necessity of strengthening legislation, including: to strengthen the concentration of legislation and to improve the level of the legislation; to clearly distinguish the evidence of reinforcement, the indirect evidence and the supporting evidence, to clarify the scope of the strengthening of the parties' statements, and to refine the procedural guarantees of the evidence of reinforcement, The provisions on the degree of reinforcement shall be specified; in the meantime, other cases where the evidence of reinforcement shall be applied shall be applied and the corresponding improvement shall be made accordingly.


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