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发布时间:2019-07-02 17:49
[Abstract]:The protection of human rights is an important embodiment of the civilization of the country, and the guarantee system of procedural rights gives the defendant the right to participate in the criminal procedure. In recent years, although the status of the defendant as the legal subject has been improved, in order to ensure the rights of the defendant effectively, it is necessary to implement its subjectivity in judicial practice. Among them, defense lawyers play an important role in the process of protecting the rights of the accused. Based on the important role of criminal defense counsel in preventing wrongs and wrongs, this paper makes a comprehensive study on the rights of defense lawyers in judicial practice from the perspective of the combination of criminal procedural law and criminology from the perspective of the combination of criminal procedural law and criminology. On the one hand, it can safeguard the rights of lawyers and highlight its status and positive role in litigation; on the other hand, in order to protect the rights of the accused and prevent the occurrence of wrongs and wrongs. Finally, based on the principle of procedural participation, the rights of public prosecution organs and defense lawyers should be balanced, so that defense lawyers can participate more and more fully, and better safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the accused.


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